DEEPLY AWAKE: ENTANGLED CHANNELING Council of The Twelve/Kathy - TopicsExpress


DEEPLY AWAKE: ENTANGLED CHANNELING Council of The Twelve/Kathy Vik 7-5-14 “Energetics and Sensory Changes“ kathyvik deeplyawake.tumblr We wish this day to discuss with you energetics as it applies to daily decision making and the shifts many are finding stability with, changes which, even twelve months ago, would not have been energetically possible, we tell you, and we wish to discuss how these changes are enhancing and changing the physical vehicle of those participating. Energetics is a common term which thankfully includes many sciences still un-re-discovered, shall we say, being discovered now, this is so, and these studies are then further clarified into harmonics, magnetics, geometrics, and other sciences which are beyond these. There is much to be discovered, interpolated and loved into consciousness dear ones, and this is what we must now say about the process. Although scores of your brothers and sisters are seeing the changes of energetics as translated through their current life story, there are those who are, shall we say, active participants, and we wish to put those who have noticed physical changes in their sensorium at peace. Many have found that before, during and after recent harmonic celestial events and triggers, that their ability to sense has been greatly enhanced. Some are finding a merging of sense, in that they are able to hear a tree’s bark with their fingertips, and can be effected positively and absolutely physically by visual data. We ask you to consider this. Imagine that you have physical senses, and each are their own island, and they are unable to discuss amongst themselves what they are taking in. This makes for disjointed leadership from the lead portion of the personality, as the sensory data can be at variance with the emotional content of a situation or abject, and sensory data might actually seem to be competitive in nature, rather than cooperative. We ask you to consider, then, the vision to be innately connected to, and that which rides point, so to speak, for the sensate “body,” when the body is sighted. If not sighted, then a more primary sense is used as the prime receiver, with amplification as needed of the other senses,to give a complete enough picture of physical reality to ensure physical survival. We use quotations as it is imperative at this time that the concepts of different bodies, light, mental, etc, but absorbed into a more cohesive systems of functional explanation. And so, we ask you to consider looking at a coffee cup. Perhaps it is not your favorite, and it has a chip. It is from the back of your cupboard, and today is the day you use it. As you look at the cup sitting on your table, you are engaging in a host of realities you are not given visual cuing about, but which are a part of this cup’s reality. Where did the cup originate? From what material was it fashioned? Whose hands were on the press, or the paintbrush, or the potter’s wheel, the account books, the advertising? Who packaged it, who drove it to the store in which you found it? Who has looked at it, while it was on sale, and immediately disliked it violently? Who walked by and smiled at it because they thought it was pretty? What was happening in your life when you chose to purchase it? How did you feel and think about it then? and what sort of thoughts and feelings have you had about it since? And today? How did it get that chip, and how was it handled when it happened? What beverages has it held for you, for others, and does it enjoy being in the back of the cupboard? The ceramic is slick, and somehow you are able to sense this with your fingers, though they sit idly in your lap. Suddenly your throat feels warm, and you feel coffee fill your mouth, you feel a swallow and the warmth. As you proceed, as far as you can, with this coffee cup, we wish to bring your attention to the pineal. Can you not see, is it not plain, that it is not your vision which has opened, but something else, something more, which can then combine sensory data which you need not have physically, if your pineal is being used to integrate this coffee cup experience? Do you not see that there are worlds within worlds, each object you have on your person, everything that surrounds you. Those insignificant details do not look so insignificant now, do they? We ask you to consider this as a natural extension of abilities that each human has, and we assure you, this is truly just the beginning. But can you not see that there will be a time of adjustment, as entities find ways to integrate the now quite expansive amounts of data available to it? And can you not see why, to do this, one must be certain, above all, of one’s own energetic signature? We are not, dear ones, speaking now of one’s personality structure, behavioral patterns, hopes and dreams, nightmares and histories. No, dear ones, we are discussing the inner core, the signature each of you hold, the song which sings from your DNA, unique in all galaxies, utterly your own, a living song your cells sing, that your DNA holds and your soul vibrates best within? And still, this you is part of a collective you are only beginning to understand does indeed exist, all impacting all, each aware of itself foremost. We bring up the coffee cup to ask that each of you be gentle with yourselves as these simple activations occur, and understand that any time you are feeling as if you do not understand or cannot tolerate a thought or picture or situation or object, that you simply disengage. Like staring at the sun, giving attention to the things which cause you distress is not as wise as disengaging energetically from that which you derive dissonance, and turning inward, we say, if only for a short time. We tell you that within the breath, and in the closing and then the opening of the eyes, you will be able to do this, once you have understood what it is your glorious bodies are accomplishing. We ask for your forbearance and patience, with yourselves, please. With yourselves. With all others, please, with all others, because, we assure you now, when this integrations occur, or, truly, just before, then new skills, new aptitudes will come, new skills which will confound and surprise you as some are finding, even now, those who have been able to move past this prior to this time. And so we also ask that each of you are kind and tolerant to those who have done this work individually and without training. WE ask you to see them as the innovators and the ancients they are. This is how you will know them, many of them. Shall we remind you now of the truth that none of this occurs without a soul intent on your part? And that not all must experience this at present to see its benefit? We tell you that vision is a vital key to the senses interlocking and beginning to function as a whole, to assist in emotional and reality creation, but we do also say that each and every sense may be used for this purpose. Listen to what you are hearing in the room you are in, at this moment, now. Please take your time. We tell you that the senses are triggers, they are a form of communication, and what one hears can then be brought into the whole, into the self, and processed in such a way that vision, smell, touch, all senses may be enlivened, integrated, and used as a functional whole. Truly, sensual knowledge is much more a code key, and within the sensate is a pleasurable ride to all manner of significances, outcomes, solutions and satisfaction. When this occurs you will see that inferences, meanings, significances and probabilities which were once not available become easily understood, and that there is great peace in having this larger field of information. We tell you, simply the vastness of the now currently available sensory experience is enough for some. Heady and confusing, at times, for those integrating these skills. Energetics cannot be used without understanding that each piece is part of a whole, a totality which is interwoven, entangled, with not only every other living consciousness, but with a far larger reality than is possible to grasp with simple eyes. And by this we do not denigrate the miracle of your senses, each a functional work of art and magic, shall we say, the body something which will continue to fill those who see this way with awe, reverence and giddy joy. And so, we ask to remind you, long ago, did not many of you hear that there would come a time when the human being could and would hold higher consciousness while in body, while embodied, and did we not say that this is when many realities would “need to be” grasped in each moment, consciously? Can you not see why we have admonished that meditation has changed, healing has changed, and your practice, then, must change? We leave you with the central theme of this transmission, a thought which must be spoken and reiterated, we see. We wish for you to begin understanding the central crux of this teaching on energetics and hope that a simple diagram, a simple example will be sufficient for you to begin to smile more when you find yourselves, perhaps, doing and saying and behaving in ways which are new, and perhaps unexpected. Allow yourselves, as we have said, the space and time in your form to accept, accept, accept, into conscious awareness, the greater totality you are beginning to glimpse, but this is truly not the heart of it, and the heart is what we wish for you to have as you walk from this device or paper, lecture or video. We wish for you to understand a fundamental truth about energetics which is not completely understood, appreciated, lived out, as yet. The concept of bringing energy to you, or having love, light and sound come to and through you, although this is a very nice thought and one which sets the tone for reverent communication, it is not accurate, and we wish to discuss the misunderstanding, allow you to ponder this, and will address similar things in the days ahead. We wish for you to understand that as you read this, and we do so wish for you to do this, so please allow us to guide you, your hand is most likely holding the vehicle of this transmission, a device, or a paper. In some way, you are, with your senses, sight or hearing, taking this information in. Do you not see that the sense with which you are concentrating is the portal through which knowledge flows, and it is your allowance and only your allowance which can alter, even enhance, your sensory experience? Can you not see that there are energies which are unknown, riding along with any object? Remember our coffee cup. And so, understand, the golden web which expresses itself individually in your life as your reality as your battles and disappointments, struggles and triumphs, this golden light is you, you are it, made known, made gloriously known, by your interactions, when awake and participating, allow this golden light to come forth. You see, the darkness are simply overlays. Overlays. We have used this metaphor through these years and we wish for you to be able to fully comprehend how fully true the visual metaphor is. You are simply golden light. You are physicalized consciousness. And that which makes your experience is, to large extent, currently still determined by overlays one agrees to take on as true and meaningful, agrees to see as relevant, the ones which soul has agreed to know and experience. We wish only to dispel the notion that things are done to you, or energy hits you, effects you, changes you. You experience energetics when you drop overlays and allow your natural beingness to experience itself, you see. This is a good pursuit for the mind, to explore the allowances and resistances, which is to say permission which is granted, to understand all before and within you in new and interconnected ways, which can allow you to see that far from you being a clod of clay through which a master blows, instead, you are a magnificent solar expression of divinity, and have chosen this story, this expression, this set of awarenesses, in which to create something new. We caution you to move from what is a good and what is a bad creation, and instead remember that all creation is experience, and all experience is valid. What is valid is neither right, nor wrong. It is experienced. And how is it experienced? In your seat of power, the only power which can access more assistance and love than all others, the power contained, coiled and ready to give to you just what your soul needs, here, this power is this now moment. And this one. And this one. And so we ask you celebrate that your senses have perhaps become more acute, as your pineals sharpen and open, one by one, like lights popping on, around the globe, ever brightening, always more lights coming on. We ask you give yourself the love you would give a broken hearted child, your own, someone who has pain and feels scared, and really has no other words for their emotional state, whenever you are confused or scared. Allow the mothers who ride with you tend to you then, and let the words you speak to yourself in moments of discouragement and confusion be theirs, dear ones. Faced with an inarticulate, upset child, a child who has never learned they are wrong or bad, can you speak to yourself as he, as she, today, perhaps when you begin to worry about this outcome or that reaction? We ask that you try. We tell you that angels are tender hearted, and that human beings are too. We know you are aware there is no difference, none at all, and ask your forbearance as those on this earth begin to feel these changes, as their senses sharpen, as their reality, the things they have always taken as true and solid, begin to burn brighter, begin to shimmer and appear as if they are not even there, if only for a second. This light which is enlivening so much is as much a part of you as a cooperative effort with beings, universes and purposes which remain only hinted at, only dimly remembered. We encourage each of you to treat each other with great indulgence and love, and to do this, of course, always, always, with one’s self. And so we ask, in these parting moments, that you remember that there is no right, and there is no wrong, not here in these fields of energetic constructs. There is beauty. There is devotion. There is power and will, determination and great fun. More fun than appears, perhaps, but we can assure you, there is celebration within the cosmos, and within your own cells, for the work you do unwittingly, as you do your chores and make decisions, and evaluate alternatives. You are dearly loved. Dearly loved. You are truly honored, and deeply respected for the work you are doing as a collective and as individuals. It matters not if one chooses to fuss with sensory expansion, pineal activation, light work. This matters not. We ask you are kind to one another as each find their own voice and timbre, their own preferences and stability. We are in these fields you know, as you look at your coffee cups, as you listen to traffic, as you touch the bark of a tree. It is in deep gratitude and honor that we leave you this day to pursue your interests, and we ask this be done in great celebration and light heartedness. Seylah.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 21:42:05 +0000

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