DEFENDING THE INDEFENSIBLE. Mr. Imran Khan may be right when he - TopicsExpress


DEFENDING THE INDEFENSIBLE. Mr. Imran Khan may be right when he says there are sitting in the national assembly only corrupt and cowardly politicians but he becomes only one of them when under the ethnic bias or being compelled by his characteristic cowardliness, is obliged to call Taliban as his brothers and support dialogue with the killers of 60000 innocent Pakistanis including our 5000 troops. If criminals are supposed to be engaged in dialogues and negotiations without being brought to justice then what is the use of spending billions on judiciary, police, army and the prison system? Criminals like Taliban are brought to justice through our justice system and not appealed to engage in dialogue with the government. By supporting Taliban Mr. Imran Khan has exposed his credentials as ethnically biased and a cowardly politician. If all the parties including Mr. Imran khan are in favor of negotiations with the Taliban, then why are they supporting army operation against them? Imran khan will have to be answerable to his followers for showing cowardliness again in face of the army operation against his brothers Taliban. It is not worthy of a statesman to follow the dictates of his army establishment going against his own conscience and what he thinks is right for the security and prosperity of his country. Why then Mr. Imran Khan prefers to follow the dictates of his army when he thinks that it is injurious to the collective health of his nation to start any operation against the militants? What is the difference left between him and the other politicians if he has to act as a stooge in the face of army dictation? Mr. Imran khans chief weakness lies in the fact that he wishes to set ethical standards for others that he himself is unable to meet. For example he always emphasizes the point that once in politics, a leader should always speak truth to his nation. But when it comes to his own life, he is never able to muster up courage to speak truth about his own daughter. This area of his life is too vulnerable to be defended even by his staunch supporters. Courtesy Shahimulk khattak
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:20:13 +0000

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