DEFICIENCIES IN IKHLAAS THE FIFTH SCENARIO The fifth scenario in sincerity and Ikhlaas, let us assume someone leaves a matter for the sake of people, is that Riyaa’? This one is leaves, the first scenarios are he does, this one is leaves. He fasts Mondays and Thursdays, people find out so he leaves it. They walk in a Masjid and he is reciting Qur’an from memory or he has a nice voice, he stops his recitation. Is leaving deeds for fear of Riyaa’, Riyaa’? Is leaving deeds for fear of insincerity, insincerity? - There are two opinions by the ‘Ulamaa on this. If it is a Waajib matter then it is Riyaa’ and more because leaving a Waajib is a sin, you cannot leave it for people. This part is clear, you cannot leave a Waajib for people, you have to work and struggle with your intention. *The dispute is if it is Sunnah, that is where the dispute is at. - The first camp said it is not Riyaa’ to leave it. If it is a Sunnah matter then he can leave it, it is not Riyaa’. -In Tuhfat AlAhwadhi, at-Taybee said there is proof on reciting out loud and proof on reciting low, we got Hadith that go both ways. We combine between the proofs by saying one who fears Riyaa’ can do it silently or should do it silently and if he does not fear Riyaa’, he does it out loud. So that is one opinion. *The second opinion is that leaving a matter for fear of Riyaa’ is Riyaa’. - Al-Fudhayl Ibn Iyyaadh Rahimahullah has a famous quote like in Shu’ab Al-Imaan تَرْكُ العَمَلِ مِنْ أَجِلِ النَّاسِ رِيَاءُ، وَالْعَمَلُ مِنْ أَجِلِ النَّاسِ شِرْك Leaving a deed for the sake of people is in itself show off, and he went on to say doing it for them is Shirk. *What one should do is do the deed and resist the Riyaa’, and he will get more reward Inshaa Allah for resisting the whispers. - In Talbees Iblees by Ibn al-Jawzi, al-Haarith Ibn Qays radhiallahu ‘anhu said: وَإِذَا أَتَاكَ الشَيْطَان وَأَنْتَ تُصَلِّي فَقَالَ إِنَّكَ مُرَاءٍ فَزِدِهَ طُولٍ If the Shaytaan comes to you while you are making Salah and whispers to you that you are doing it for Riyaa’, he said make it even longer. Fight the temptation of the Shaytaan and make it even longer. - In Sharh At-Tareeqah he said from the traps of the Shaytaan is that one may meet people who are not at his level of Ibaadah, they do not make their Salah at night or they do not do Ibaadah that he does. The Shaytaan will whisper to him that you should not do it yourself, you should not do your Tahajjud, you should not do your Qur’an, you should not do your Du’aa because it is going to be Riyaa’. Then he will leave it, and he said that is wrong. *The correct of the two opinions on this is most definitely that one should not leave a deed for fear of Riyaa. That is the correct opinion, however if one leaves a deed for people, is that Riyaa’? You really cannot call that Riyaa’, it depends on the intention of the person. It may be, at times it may not be. - So the summary, do not leave a deed for people. Do the deed, fight the whispers. Leaving the deed is not Riyaa’ unless there is something in the intention that makes leaving it Riyaa’. That is the summary. - I have said this before, I said when show off comes knocking on your heart and whispers come to you, remember that if you get in a problem or situation in this life, you will see nearly everyone walk away and give you their back. - Even ‘Ulamaa from older times struggled and suffered from this, you will be lucky if some of your family stick by you, remember that. Are those people worth doing a deed for, or leaving a deed for? Who are they? Who are they, when they are not going to be next to you in hard times and difficult times when you desperately need them in this world, and more importantly when you stand before Allah, is any of them going to be there? *So that is one of the best ways to fix your Niyyah and your Ikhlaas to Allah. In Shaa Allah our next stop will be THE SIXTH SCENARIO
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 04:46:27 +0000

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