DEFINE HYPOCRITE (Noun) Someone who practices hypocrisy, who - TopicsExpress


DEFINE HYPOCRITE (Noun) Someone who practices hypocrisy, who pretends to hold beliefs, or whose actions are not consistent with their claimed beliefs. According to the Amazing Bible Timeline with World History there are: • 66 books in the Bible – 39 in the OT and 27 in the NT; 1,189 Chapters; 31,102 Verses; 783,137 Words; 3,116,480 Letters This relates to a host of thoughts, ideas, principles, spiritual and natural examples to glean from the pages of the Bible. Typically only the more positive thoughts and truths of the Bible are expounded on more than any topic that may “appear” to be negative. But the hypocrisy of a hypocritical nation and hypocritical people abound everywhere. The following is an example of the darkest acts of the Christian religion: • I knew a man over 20 years ago who seemed to walk the straight and narrow. His main concern was to see God’s people delivered from the spiritual Pharaoh. He was bold, confident, uncompromising and spoke with a sharp two edged sword. He appeared to be the epitome of righteousness and Godly living, trusting his word to come straight from the Lord. At times it was if God Himself thundered through his human flesh and owned the man’s tongue. The man, striving to be true to the Scriptures, publicly confessed his weakness of heart and withdrew from leading others. The thought of continuing to serve and lead people was actually his human druthers. Simultaneously, he found himself in a human relationship while striving to do what is right. But the spirit prompted him to be a man of honesty, because continuing would certainly kill his light, in the fight, deep in the plight, of a lifestyle, that was not right. He is no longer a public religious figure but lives in quasi obscurity . . . waiting and praying, for the day when the Lord expunges ALL impurity. . . of heart. • I knew another man over 20 years ago who was known for acts unbecoming a Christian leader, but continued to preach every Sunday, while serving from a stained altar. He was confronted by other God fearing men of positional authority, they urged him to change his ways, knowing he had step outside God’s holy boundary. He walked in the way which seemeth right unto man, while preaching of the “goodness of the Lord,” but the people were being served a Sunday meal, with a dull two edged sword. They called him on the carpet, and pleaded with him to cease and desist, according to the words of Christ, they prayed and prayed for the man that God’s forgiveness would save his life. But he insisted that only God was his judge, feeling delighted and pompous, while he accused the Godly men, of harboring their own sinful grudge. The man felt justified in his weekly, even daily repentance and continued acts of sin. He always put a twist on Scripture, while his preaching took on a worldly spin. He continues to serve as a leader, while acting as a sinner at night. If you see him on the street, he will tell you he’s fighting the fight. As it stands today, he continues to serve in a “straddling” state of God and mammon. His sight has been so blurred that he fails to realize that sin is his bondsman. Which of the two would you say fit the description of a hypocrite? The man who was honest and withdrew from serving others for a time until full restoration of his soul? Or, the man who feels daily repentance is sufficient, but continues to “do his own thing” in the dark? PLEASE NO LIKES - ONLY COMMENTS. :) TjD in 4 D — with Joseph L Green Jr and 18 others..
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 15:45:06 +0000

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