DELIBERATELY DECEIVING THE MASSES... 50,000 PEOPLE BROUGHT TOGETHER The huge surge of people furious about the deliberate news blackout of the #notoausterity event held in Parliament Square on Saturday 21/06/2014 makes it clear. Part of the general public, which does not agree with Austerity, is being systematically being marginalised and ignored, and we have had enough. This major event brought together 50,000 people who have had enough of government cuts and attacks on the poor, disabled, and essential government services, all to pay for a recession and economic crisis caused by greedy bankers. This narrative has been routinely excluded from the BBC, which has chosen to be an Establishment propaganda outlet, afraid of the Coalition, and the Daily Mail - as one of your own journalists, Robert Peston recently admitted. There was little or no visible, prioritised coverage of the No To Austerity event across your news output. The little coverage we did find was late, and deliberately hidden and given low priority. We wish seek an immediate enquiry into this, which further which addresses why viewpoints that challenge austerity are being routinely marginalised across the whole of your coverage. We understand that you are afraid of an aggressive Coalition government and powerful right wing press, but the duty of the BBC is to represent the broad viewpoint of licence fee payers, not powerful interests such as the government of the day, the Daily Mail or private healthcare companies. After 4 years of propaganda, we have had enough, and we want you to deal with it and change the prioritisation of your coverage immediately.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 18:00:13 +0000

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