DELTA ELITE MOVEMENT, DEM. Motto: Development We Stand. Press - TopicsExpress


DELTA ELITE MOVEMENT, DEM. Motto: Development We Stand. Press Release. 25th July, 2014. We the executive members of Delta Elite Movement, DEM, wish to state categorically that we are unaware of the rising publications of political aspirants & political parties campaigns on the Facebook Wall of DEM and as such, we want to disassociate the Forum from any of such Publications. As a noble forum with the spirit of development, DEM wishes to redefined her roles for the understanding of Deltans and the General Public. Delta Elite Youths Movement, a name upon the foundation of the forum, which was later christened as Delta Elite Movement, DEM, by the Delta State Directorate of Youths Development, during her registration, is a Non-partisan & Non- governmental Organisation, whose objective is pillared on redirecting the strength & energy of the youths of Delta State in nation building and also in the Agitation of Development accross the State and Urbanisation in its Rural Commnities. Why the Political arena is being heated as a result of the upcoming October 2014 Counsel Polls and 2015 General Election, we are pleased to state as follows: 1) That DEM is not in affilliation with any political party neither aspirant & therefore chose to distant the forums name from the uprising publication of political aspirants on the facebook wall of the forum, for members clarity. 2) That DEM is not in a position to project any Public Office Holder on her wall or otherwise. Rather, the Forum stands on the aims behind the formation of the organisation. 3). That DEM is a noble Organisation whose members are not willing to exchange the dignity of the forum and its developmental stand with personal political interest, monetary interest or otherwise. 4). That all persons who are making Partisan publications and Political Campaigns on the facebook Plaform of DEM are henceforth advised to reframe from such, knowing that the forum is not in any way in support of such Partisan Publications. DEM is saddled with the responsibility of uniting Deltans, to harness our educational entitlements for meaningful development of our dear State & as such, not ready to jeopardise this mission. The Forum is poise to bringing substantial demands, especially of the Rural Communities on Education and general developments of the State, to the table of government & pursue vigorously their execution. This will be enhance by persistently reminding elected office holders their promises to Deltans in education/development on their campaign manifetoes and their primary responsibilities to the good people of Deltans. Finally, we want to sincerely thank all members of the Forum for standing up to the task of making DEM Developlental Mission a reality & we also wish to inform you that you should keep your fingers across, as executive members are trying their best to see how the DEM proposed seminar, TITLED: Human Capacity Development; Overcoming The Chanllenges of Unemployment in Delta State, is kick start in a grandstyle. We also want to encourage passive members to see the development of Delta State as a mission and a reason big enough to win their commitment, thereby making them active members. IT IS A FACT THAT THE FIGHT FOR A MODERN AND HETEROGENEOUS SOCIETY CAN BE ONLY ACHIEVABLE WHEN COLLECTIVE EFFORTS ARE PUT TOGETHER. Long live DEM! Long Live Delta State!! Long Live the Federal Repuplic of Nigeria!!! Thank you all. Signed by: Comrade Ogegere Enis , President DEM And the Publicity Crew.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:24:35 +0000

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