DEMOCRACY ACTIVISTS ARE CALLING ON OBAMA TO MAN-UP AND HOLD TORTURERS ACCOUNTABLE INSTEAD OF JAILING PATRIOTIC WHISTLE-BLOWERS The White House is facing new pressure at home and around the world to hold officials accountable for CIA torture. Senate findings released this week provide new details on the CIA’s abuses of foreign prisoners, as well as the extensive efforts it undertook to mislead the federal government. Outgoing Democratic Sen. Mark Udall called for a purge of top CIA officials implicated in the abuses and the ensuing cover-up, including current Director John Brennan. In stark language, Udall accused the CIA of lying. Sen. Mark Udall: The CIA has lied to its overseers and the public, destroyed and tried to hold back evidence, spied on the Senate, made false charges against our staff and lied about torture and the results of torture. And no one has been held to account. … There are right now people serving in high-level positions at the agency who approved, directed or committed acts related to the CIA’s detention and interrogation program. It’s bad enough not to prosecute these officials, but to reward or promote them and risk the integrity of the U.S. government to protect them is incomprehensible. The president needs to purge his administration of high-level officials who were instrumental to the development and running of this program.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:36:01 +0000

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