DEMOCRACY/ (peaceful) PROTEST ARE THEY JUST TOOLS OF CONTROL! It is time for people to have honest debate about the status quo and their understanding of Islam. A real internal dialogue with themselves in regards to their understanding of Islam and how it affects their perception of the reality and what shape that takes. This conversation isnt about haram or halal or condemning one side or the other but just a reminder to think deeply about the type and form of Islam we have and the effectiveness it has in our lives and the wider society. Some people (Muslims) vote in elections and try to use fiqhi arguments to justify taking part. Whether they are right or wrong in fiqh or aqeeda is not the issue but the evidence of non Muslims is that they have disengaged in the democratic process because they have realised it actually changes nothing and has not improved their lives nor has it given them solutions to their everyday problems. It didnt even stop the illegal wars they were against in Iraq. At this point people of sincerity should have stopped to think! If democracy or voting changed anything the lawmakers in this country would have changed it. The very fact they havent means they are happy with it. The people of oppression are happy with a tool that allows them to continue to oppress and you are buying into it. When injustice happens the people protest and the authorities make the point that protest should be done in a peaceful way no burning of cars or smashing of property or, arson to third party property holders. But, again the reality is if every protest was peaceful the government wouldnt look up or take notice. It is not that people should oppress others to remove their oppression or make their oppression visible, no, this is not justice. But, we must understand we are dealing with the reality. And, it is the misunderstanding of the reality and the misapplication of rulings which allows oppression to stay in power or in control that drives a people to behave in a way that requires such action. When rulings are misapplied to support oppression then this is also oppression and when the source of justice is used to oppress then the people themselves become frustrated and will turn to violence and other destructive means simply because they have no remedy. In the sharia we see this preventative or prophylactic system towards sin and other situations and thus we see a pattern in the sharia that prevention of injustice is better than remedying of injustice. It is better that injustice is not done to the people rather than this one-sided Islam that we see today to just make people oppressed not demonstrate their grievance. If in the Quran it speaks much more about prevention of injustice and sin the scholars and the legislature should also place a greater emphasis on reducing the oppression of the people by condemning and speaking up for justice that is perpetrated against the people rather than just coming out against the people to control their reactions to the double injustice, firstly by the government and then by the religious leaders to shut them up.. If the people use violence its not because they find this better than no violence but it is usually because they are not being listened to by anyone. If the people have a system that listens to them and prevents injustice in the first place they would never need to react in a way which also harms them morally, socially or physically. The death penalty hasnt reduced murders in America to zero but has itself killed many. Rules without a system of justice is just oppression. For the same reason people have disengaged with democracy in Britain and the west generally is the same reason why people find it increasingly more difficult to protest peacefully. It does not change their circumstances or help them. Thus they resort to much more destructive means! The blessed Prophet brought a system of life that brought balance to the worldly affairs of humanity. The guidance was to ensure nobility and justice by creating equilibrium between all human affairs, nature and spirituality. So, if we do not follow this principle and only seek to control reactions we too have become unbalanced and thus we too are a system of that control wittingly or unwittingly. We must always balance the equation! Your Lord is not one eyed!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 12:08:03 +0000

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