DEMOCRATIC CITIZENSHIP........... In a democracy citizens ar both - TopicsExpress


DEMOCRATIC CITIZENSHIP........... In a democracy citizens ar both rulers nd subjects. Citizens ar. rulers wen they elect their representatives or participate in making laws. But as a subjects, citizens must obey d laws they hv shered in making. The obligation to obey arises frm d nature of democratic citizenship. Participation in making law implies a pledge to respect nd obey d law. Participation is d hallmark of democratic citizen. It is both a right nd a responsibility. The strength of demicratic government depends on d willingness of d people to b actively involved in public life. Liberty nd d rights secured by democratic government can b protected only if they ar used. Like muscles of d body, rights must be exercised if they ar to remain strong. Also, in a democracy d people shere in making d decision that affect their lives. They hv d capacity to influence, shere, nd determine wat government does or does not do. Democracy assumes that d people ar d best judges of their own interests. The more people ar actively involved, d more likely it is that. political power will b exercised responsibly nd in d public interest. Participations takes a variety of forms. Democratic participation is voluntary, yet some people ar more active than others. At a minimum, participant citizens ar informed. They hv d knowledge nd security, nd whether we may b called upon to risk our luves in war. Most people want a voice in wat affects their lives. If freedom is to b secure, citizens must b active in its defense. Democratic values ar learned throygh participation. If d values of democracy ar to b fully achieved, citizens must b willing to oarticipate in government nd politics. The most important public office in Sierra Leone is that of d private citizen.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:18:35 +0000

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