DEMONIC ROMAN CATHOLICISM QUEEN OF HEAVEN The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger. -Jeremiah 7:18 All Catholics today, Roman and Russian Orthodox alike, worship Mary as the Queen of Heaven. One only has to do a web search under Queen of Heaven to prove that Catholics do worship the Queen of Heaven (over 5,000 images show up on Google alone). What Catholics dont realize (or care to realize) is that the Queen of Heaven originated from pagan Babylonian goddess worship. We read in Jeremiah about the Babylonian Queen of Heaven (Jeremiah 7:18, 44:17, 44:18, 44:19, 44:25). Jeremiah 7:18 plainly states that God hates idolatry and it provokes Him to anger. Carefully notice the things that God considers as idolatry when done in worship to the Queen of Heaven: the CHILDREN gather wood for the fire, the FATHERS kindle the fire, and the WOMEN knead their dough. The whole family is involved in idolatry. Everything that Catholics do for the Queen of Heaven is sinful idolatry. All over the world today, Catholics have one celebration after another, in honor to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven. Notice in Jeremiah 7:18 that they also worship other gods. In many Catholic cultures, such as the island of Guam, a different Catholic Saint is honored each month, and a village festival is held on the Saints behalf. This is idolatry and is provokes God to anger. Isaiah 42:8 warns that God will not share His glory and praise, which are rightfully His to receive, with others. Every time that Catholics avoid meat, observe Lent, or bake cakes to celebrate the Immaculate Conception of Mary, they are committing horrible idolatry. The Word of God never directs us to perform any such rituals. The only two ordinances in the Bible are baptism, and the Lords supper. Now, the Bible does teach fasting; BUT, it is never to be done in honor of a Saint. The purpose of fasting to to let go of the physical, in order to grasp more of the spiritual. It boosts our faith, and faith is what pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). God does not answer our prayers because we earn them through sacrifice, or starving ourselves. This is not Biblical fasting. Any time spent fasting must include much prayer. In fact, we are giving up something in order to spend that time in prayer. Most people dont pray because they are living for their belly (Philippians 3:19). Biblical fasting and prayer are inseparable. In contrast, Catholics practice their religious dietary restrictions as sacrifices to impress God. God is not impressed (1st Samuel 15:22; Mark 7:7-13). The Queen of Heaven that all Catholics serve and worship, is the SAME abominable Queen of Heaven found in ancient Babylon. The Catholic Church is a conglomerate of false religions—from Dagon, the half man/half fish god of the Philistines, to the Babylonian Queen of Heaven. Catholicism is a prisonhouse of religion, whos doctrines have been INVENTED throughout the centuries. Satan is a master deceiver, and knows that the BEST lies originate with the truth, and then he adds or subtracts, to turn the truth into a lie. Whereas Catholicism NEVER would have been accepted in its present form in the beginning, it has evolved into a whorish monstrosity over the centuries, and people today blindly accept it. I wish I could get every Catholic to start diligently studying the Word of God, and start asking questions. So many of the doctrines taught in Catholicism arent even found in the Bible, and they admit it. One such doctrine is the Assumption of Mary, declared as an official doctrine of the Vatican in 1950. Please read Mark 7:7-13 again. I plead with you in Jesus name to forsake the Queen of Heaven, and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Gods Simple Plan Catholicism is a lie of the devil, a prison-house of religion. If I didnt sincerely care about people, then I wouldnt take the time to WARN you. The Catholic religion is all a bunch of Satanic lies based upon traditions and ridiculous manipulations of the Word of God. I plead with you as a friend, obey the Bible by turning to the Lord Jesus Christ in faith and forsaking the Mother of Harlots. The Great Whore of the Catholic Church will take you to hell with them if youre foolish enough to follow them. Dont do it. Salvation is NOT found in a religion, but in a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ! You need Christianity friend, NOT churchianity.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 04:09:27 +0000

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