DEMS SURRENDER ON "OBAMA CONSTITUTIONAL QUALIFICATION" ISSUE.........!!! "Strange how the law works. After 3 ½ years of cynical disregard for the borders, language, and culture of the United States, one would think that some 240 million people have suffered “sufficient personal harm” to claim legal standing for a crack at His Royal Highness in a court of law! There are only 30 million illegals currently residing in the United States, and those the Attorney General refers to as “his people” might actually lack legal standing in the eyes of an honest arbiter. "At any rate, Democrats have finally admitted what the rest of us have known for quite some time. Barack Obama is NOT qualified to hold the job won for him by the national media in 2008. But it seems only the voters will have the authority to reclaim it from him. God willing, the vast majority who exercise that authority in November will be both American and alive." THUS CONCLUDING A SHAMEFUL CHAPTER OF OUR HISTORY -- FOR THE FEDERAL LEGAL SYSTEM, SUPREME COURTS, AND THE CONGRESS....... R.B. BUT ... A SALUTE AND HIGH TRIBUTE TO THE "BIRTHERS"......!!! CHEERIO......
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 22:30:16 +0000

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