DENTAL INSPIRED REVERIE: I received dental work for the first - TopicsExpress


DENTAL INSPIRED REVERIE: I received dental work for the first time in over a decade a couple days ago, (aside from routine cleanings.) I had to get 4 fillings done at once, and curiously, at the last minute, opted for the nitrous oxide when my dentist offered it. And~Woah! My goodness! I had an absolute blast! What a beautiful journey! It was fascinating for me to recognize that I hadn’t received any kind of chemical substance like that into my body since I’ve become so established in my life as a fervent medicine woman. And so, to receive the invitation of that allopathic substance, was so much more than a distracting “care-free” space while having holes drilled and then filled in my mouth; I knew how to make truly good use of it, beyond the pleasant tingles that moved up and down my core channel~ as a brief, yet deeply sacred medicine journey. I went right for the death medicine inherent there, awaiting us in every moment we care to look. I was humorously seeing the irony of how we pay people, these tooth specialists to fix these “teeth” slowly rotting in our skulls that will eventually be nothing but ash or soil, floating atoms in the great sea of life, returned to Spirit. And how we pay one another this “money”, this made-up, symbolic substance, which then allows us to sustain our own lives with food and shelter, that will all eventually be composted and recycled in the great, voracious cycle of life and death. And the simple, obvious invitation to love, to love(!) this life, one another, our own precious, limited, imperfect, temporarily incarnated selves, while we can. Every once in a while my dentist would pause in his teeth-drilling and filling, and say, kindly: “How are you doing, Jesua?” And I, traveling through the deepest corridors of the vast mysteries of the Universe, the immense and fundamental opportunity to live as LOVE, would give him an enthusiastic and gratefully wordless thumbs up. There is such a kindness inside perceiving the deeper pulse of life’s expanse. Such a sweet honesty to feel the undeniably fleeting trajectory of our body’s life. Such a treasure, these moments where it is all distilled down to the essential truth, and the ruthless invitation to not waste even a moment on lying to ourselves or one another; not waste even a day on living in a way that doesn’t reflect our deepest heart’s knowing. Such a glorious question to ponder: How might we give ourselves, in this moment, to Wisdom’s grace? So just a little nitrous-oxide-induced reverie for you dear ones; a little dental-inspired bowing from my grateful heart to yours.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 22:09:08 +0000

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