DENY ALLAH DENY MERCY Allah is most merciful. In the Quran every - TopicsExpress


DENY ALLAH DENY MERCY Allah is most merciful. In the Quran every chapter of Quran except one starts with beautiful formula, in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful. The mercy we see in this world which Allah has put among His Creation is just a hundredth of all His Mercy. Examples of mercy that we see in His creation includes the love a mother has for her child (human and otherwise), the eyes with which we are able to see, the food which we are provided to consume, the generosity and kindness we show to others. From where did this mercy came from. Can science explain the mercy which we feel towards each other. Can theory of evolution explain how this mercy evolved in each other??? The only logical explanation is that God has put mercy between us,so denying God is denying mercy One question arises,if God is merciful,why does He punish. The answer is that God beside being merciful,is also most just. So in justice you have to punish the offender,otherwise mercy will have no meaning except exploitation. People willbe commiting crime and Allah will be forgiving them. This is not so,Allah only forgives when one repent,nomatter what his sin was, even blashpemy,if the repentance is genuine,it will be forgiven, May Allah guide us to His mercy,aameen
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 05:05:10 +0000

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