DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES AND ITS MANDATE. As the Bolsheviks Party we are shocked to see and witness the kind of treatment that our prisoners have to endure on a daily basis. We have visited various prisons around the country incognito and witnessed firsthand how prisoners are being exploited of their basic human rights as clearly defined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, (Section 2) and also all of their rights in terms of Section 35 (their individual’s rights during detention) We have witnessed and heard first hand, that offenders are just being transferred from one prison to another to alleviate overcrowding, never mind how inconvenient it is for their families to visit them now in the far and desolate places where they are now incarcerated. We have witnessed and heard first hand, how a prisoner, whom has been infected with Hepatitis A, a disease contracted through the intake of contaminated food and water, which incidentally is supplied to him by the Department of Correctional Services, has been sent from pillar to post now for more than 60 days, between the Institution, where he is being detained, as they claim: “They are a clinic and not a Hospital and cannot provide the medicine” and the Hospital every time that he is referred to it just claims that the necessary medicine is out of stock! Is there no such thing as a substitute medicine that could be provided? The infection of the liver is cancerous and can cause death, yet to play around with his health is what the Department thinks is more important. We have witnessed and heard first hand, how offenders, who wishes to study, and there is hardly any studies that you can do these days without having access to a computer are struggling to get authorization from the Department of Correctional Services to have such computers available for their studies which one would have thought is part of rehabilitation. We personally know of one offender, whom when he was imprisoned didn’t have even a Grade 12. Though through self studies, he obtained his Grade 12, enrolled for his LLB at UNISA, and passed his degree with 8 distinctions (Yes Eight distinctions)! Quite an achievement, but the Department of Correctional Services, does not recognize that as rehabilitation, it is considered to be self enrichment, and he doesn’t qualify to be released? How redicilous, what does he need to do to proof his good intentions to be a better person. We have witnessed firsthand how some offenders, whom struggle to meet their financial obligations to study, are just suddenly deprived of being able to study and then, their computer, if they were lucky enough to have one, is taken away from them on a mere accusation of doing something wrong, and then it takes 6 weeks to investigate the ‘so called wrong” and he is found to be not guilty, but in the meantime, he cannot complete his studies for the year as he couldn’t submit his required assignments as he has no access to his computer and to make matters worse was locked up in isolation! What about the money that he struggled to get together to study? Is the Department going to compensate him for their accusation that was never proved against him? The Department has a Complaints and Request book in which offenders have to register their possible complaints and requests, which according to DCS policy has to be resolved within 7 days. We have seen and witnessed at first hand where request, complaints are just never resolved, despite it being entered into the Book on several occasions and remains unattended and unresolved and then they ask why do offenders get uptight? Because they have nothing! Access to Family and legal representatives are part of the Constitution, but at some Centres, phones are locked from Monday to Saturday, so offenders cannot contact their legal advisor, address any matters, contact any court, or even speak to their family. The phones are locked as it is being said that offenders are reporting the Head of the Centre for not doing his work, for which he incidentally gets paid handsomely. Now everyone has to suffer. R 6 Billion can be allocated to the Management of Gansterism, which should be there in the first place, it should be eradicated. Offenders are being given breakfast at 1000 am and then lunch at 12oo and then locked up because the members are having a sports day? Is that humane and fair on anyone? 2 Hours after eating your morning meal you eat your lunch and tonight you only have 5 slices of dry bread. No coffee, tea or anything but water to swallow it down with. And talk of exploitation of prisoners and their visitors. We have on several occasion visited centres and bought goods from the so called visitors shop and in some cases have even been charged R 10.00 for a can of cold drink. Items that are sold outside for half the price as to what is being charged to prisoners and their visitors, but they have the monopoly, buy it or leave it. You have no choice! Yes they are imprisoned, but first and foremost they are basic human beings and secondly offenders! They shouldn’t be treated them in the way we do! ISSUED by Eric Mathebe Bpsa Moutse
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 22:20:41 +0000

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