DEPRESSION my fight : Joy Fraser-Mumby I have spent the last - TopicsExpress


DEPRESSION my fight : Joy Fraser-Mumby I have spent the last five years suffering from depression since the loss of my son Simon on 26 July 2009 when Simon was just 22. I have good days and bad, good weeks and bad and I even had very good months and very bad months. At my worst I spent 4 months locked in my house unable to cope with even the simplest of tasks such as getting washed and dressed, leaving my bedroom, or even getting out of bed. I spent 6 months off work because I was just unable to function at a day to day expected level. I struggle on a daily basis to varying degrees with my immense loss and rarely discuss it with anyone. To someone who does not know what I have suffered I probably look NORMAL, and even some of those who do know are unable to grasp or understand my feelings to the extent of not knowing what to say to me so they DONT say anything at all. I am not criticizing any of them, I just would like people to be aware that this is a silent suffering, and that in certain circumstances people like me feel that they are worthless and useless, suffer sadness and loneliness and more often than not fear. Fear to talk about it because of the stigma attached to mental health issues, fear to deal, openly, with their own personal feelings of depression, fear that they will no longer be accepted within the circles they usually live. It is at this point that the feelings of worthlessness are at their highest and that they are more venerable to the thoughts of ending their lives such as we have seen over the last couple of days with Robin Williams, this is a sad loss of someone who has openly struggled. What I would like is for everyone to be more aware of this struggle, try to understand or just be a good friend and listen. Let someone suffering in silence know that they are able to talk about it freely, without prejudice and will be HEARD. I am one of the lucky ones. I have a fantastic hubby and family who are supporting me through my suffering. Please be that support for someone you know.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 09:00:31 +0000

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