DEPUTY PRESIDENT OFFICIAL RESIDENCE ROAD CLOSURE-GRAB (LOWER PLAINS ROAD) Kindly, please excuse my decision and preference for an anonymous status as my personal security may be jeopardized by my disclosure of a most GRIEVOUS, BLATANT, AUDACIOUS, BRAZEN, ILLEGAL, IMPUNITY, CARELESS, THOUGHTLESS, INSENSITIVE, INSULTING, DAMN, DOWNRIGHT STUPID, CRASS, CALLOUS action, activity and attitude by a supposed, future wannabe Karen Plains Resident currently engaged in the construction of his supposed future dream house in the Karen Plains Estate, right next to the Deputy President’s Official Residence. First, some background history of Karen Plains Estate would be in order. If my memory serves me well, the pioneering residents began settling here from either late 1980’s or early 1990’s, apart from a European ‘Mzungu’ whose residence is famously known as PODO, next to the Karen Connection which are both directly opposite the Deputy President’s Official Karen Plains Residence What is presently the Deputy President’s Official Residence was initially part of the neighbouring military base plot of land which was sub-divided and allocated for the construction of the Deputy President’s Official Residence. The entire military plot (Deputy President’s Official Residence & Military Installation/Base) was previously used for motor-cross track field events for practice as well as competition. This entire plot of land which is presently bordered by the Lenana Forest, Karen Road, Lower Plains Road, and Karen Plains Estate was fenced with a chain-link fence that Maasai herders had a nasty habit of cutting the chain-link fence and felling the concrete fence polls and grazing their cattle in the yet undeveloped military land. There was also a city council water pipe; they used to puncture so as to provide water for their cattle while denying the residents’ water. Many older residents can attest to the conflicts we had with the Maasai herders who would graze their cattle on residents’ front yards, destroying the flower gardens. The area in dispute concerns the Lower Plain Road section. If you drive to the end of the Deputy President’s section of the cabro-tiled road you will run straight into an illegally erected barbed wire fence. At this T-Junction the road turns to the right going on to link up with the tarmac Karen Plains Road. This section in in order as it is a logical access link. Interesting is the turn to your left which runs close to the Deputy President’s Official Residence walled fence. It takes a very interesting illogical turn at the earlier mentioned T-Junction, and ends up at a dead end with no link to the Lower Plains Road or Begonia Drive in the Karen Plains Estate. At the point of the end of the Deputy President’s Residence cabro-tiled road, at the said junction, the Lower Plains Road continued into the Karen Plains Estate with two distinct commonly called twin houses viewable in the distance at the end of the field. Basically, people have encroached on the Lower Plains Road section after the Deputy President’s cabro-tiled road. Two supposed plots happen to cut across the road and have been fenced of by their dubious owners. If you look carefully there is a large field in which 4 residential developments have come up. One house is complete and occupied, while another is almost complete, the other is in the finishing stages of completion and the last is yet to be roofed. The entire field belongs to either NSSF or NHIF which has on several occasions put up a sign board stating that it is the owner of the stated field property, but some pervert crook within a day or two, never more than two weeks has the signboards cut down. If you pass by the field today you will see two slightly protruding metal stumps where the signboards previously were. The corner of the field where these developments have come up, were allocated to the neighbouring residents association, ‘KAPRA’ (Karen Plains Residents Association), but were allegedly according to rumours (subject to confirmation) held in trust by an infamous Mr. Jacob Juma (Cortec Mining Ltd & ERAD Supplies Ltd of NCPB Saga) and some other lady KAPRA resident. The allocated land was supposed to be for the KAPRA resident community purpose. As with all typical residents’ association, they delayed in registering the KAPRA resident association to facilitate transfer of the allocated property to the KAPRA resident association. I suspect these two individuals sold of the properties under KAPRA’s nose. Initially, earlier on, the fencing of the KAPRA allocated land was way-off the Lower Plains Road with a comfortable shoulder between the road and the fence in the field. But gradually after a couple of years it began to eat into the road shoulder, and finally some STUPID IDIOTS decided to fence across the road on the claim of a surveyor that it was their land. Interesting to note is that this road was supposed to have been tarmacked earlier on to Begonia Drive and joining onto Karen Plains Road and going on to link up with the Southern-Bypass and turning right to link up Langata Road at the Hillcrest Schools. The resulting junction where Lower Plains Road is supposed to join-up with Karen Plains Road, the earlier mentioned Mr. Jacob Juma, allegedly (subject to confirmation) supposedly acquired a plot of land across the other side of Lower Plains Road and went ahead to fence across the road so as to bridge and unite the two plots, hence cutting of the link between Karen Plains & Lower Plains Road, selfishly denying all Karen Plains Residents easy access, forcing people to use the longer Begonia & Farah route to access other parts of the estate. This action had the unintended effect of denying a resident access to his plot and has to access his plot from another neighbouring residents plot. Additionally, Mr. Jacob Juma had sunk a borehole that was supposed to supply water to the residents, but he refused to allow people to connect back in the days during the MOI Regime. He was alleged to have a habit and distinction of waving and intimidating people with his gun. The property that is associated with Mr. Jacob Juma is called the Olukoba Palace and a careful ‘Jicho Pevu’ journalistic historical investigation will reveal that this so-called palace cuts across the Lower Plains Road. Rumour had it that he isn’t the owner of the property and was probably a front for someone else. Presently, some future-wannabe Karenite is constructing a PHYSICAL STONE WALL across the Lower Plains Road and also constructing his house. The said culprit probably works for the CBK and drives a 1st Generation Subaru Forrester. The KAPRA residents told-off the said wannabe-Karennite at a residents meeting and gave him a thorough dressing down, but he was adamant that the plot of land was his and had the requisite surveys to support his erroneous claim. A neighbour who appeared to have worked with him at CBK, proposed to pay for the access while the matter is resolved in court, in order to provide access to Karen Road, but he STUBBORNLY, STUPIDILY refused. His selfish, callous actions have denied all Karen Plains residents in the neighbourhood their inalienable right to easy access to Karen Road via the Deputy President’s Access. I appeal to the President: His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta; Deputy President: William Arap Samoei Ruto and Cabinet Secretary for Land, Housing and Urban Development, Charity Kaluki Ngilu to resolve this matter for the following DIGITAL reasons: • Karen Plains Residents should have unhindered, unobstructed, unfettered ‘Digital’ access to all access linkages throughout the entire Karen Plains neighbourhood. • The Deputy President’s ’Digital’ security demands to have all entry and exit access options available to them in case of an emergency or as simple as slow moving traffic, traffic jam, an accident or incase of road works. Given the Deputy President’s Office and the stature that accompanies it, his security demands that Lower Plains Road be accessible at all times, from where the two illegally fenced off plots have encroached on it, to where it should link up with the Karen Plains Road through the Olukoba Palace of Mr. Jacob Juma. • Tarmacking of all roads in the Karen Plains estate is necessary to facilitate quick transit through the neighbourhood. This should be supported with joint drainage works, sidewalk/pavement, street lighting and city water piping connection throughout the estate. At present, residents have to source water from water trucks or from neighbourhood boreholes that charge an arm & leg for this free God-given commodity. Any security issue in the Karen Plains neighbourhood is a direct threat to the Deputy President, His Family and VIPs visiting his official residence. We seek the assistance of the Office of President, Deputy President and Lands, Housing & Urban Development in resolving this crisis. Lastly, I humbly welcome you to the Karen Plains Estate and request that you invite the Karen Plains Residents for a lunch or dinner at the Official Deputy President’s Residence. ANONYMOUS
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 09:33:47 +0000

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