DESINTEGRATION-INTEGRATION-CONCIOUS LIVING In the luxurious facilities of Pilot Beach Resort 5 * in Georgioupolis, the hotel owner Georgios Ch. Papadakis hosted from September 27th until October 8th International Conference of transpersonal psychology entitled DESINTEGRATION-INTEGRATION-CONCIOUS LIVING . The organization of the conference is of historical significance because for the first time ever, four distinguished organizations (two international organizations: ITA and ATP, a European the EUROTAS, and one Greek, the SYNTHESIS), 80 leading scientists and 200 participants from 34 countries, met in this magical region of Crete exchanging opinions, with a view to be responded as best as possible, to the challenges of critical situations that nowadays societies experiencing. Conference accosiations in detail are: The EUROTAS (European Association of transpersonal psychology), which has 30 member states, chaired by Bernadette Blin and based in France. The ITA (International Transpersonal Association-World transpersonal Agency) chaired by Les Lancaster and based in the United Kingdom. The ATP (Association of Transpersonal Psycology), the international organization that promotes eco-spiritual transformation through transpersonal research and action by co-chairmen David Lukoff, Steven Schmitz, and Stuart Sovatsky, and US-based. The Greek club SYNTHESIS for transpersonal Psychology and Research, who chaired by Lindy McMullin, organizer and coordinator of the conference, aims to spread the application of transpersonal perspective on the economy, education, art, and other related areas. Seeks, ie, to connect ideas, science, spirituality, and the arts, with the overall aim of improving human existence in relation to the body, mind, soul and spirit. The conference was aimed at psychotherapists, healers, and any individual interested in issues related to interpersonal relations and consciousness, individual, social, and global level. The work of the participants, rather than to focus on the devastating consequences of the crisis, it was proposed to deal with it as a crisis within our consciousness, a stepping stone for the development of civilization in the higher realms. Ie, facilitating the decomposition of outdated systems and ideas through an opening of our attention, and a re-evaluation of our values, we have the opportunity to find ourselves in a deeper state of consciousness, awareness of the needs of ourselves and therefore humanity. So we are optimistic that a new balance can be established through a transformation in consciousness level, where values will prevail around the man. . Lectures The lectures were held in the main conference room Ms. Athena and workshops at the sub halls Phaedra, Apollo, Hermes, Cydonia, Artemis, Glass-hall and Mini Club. From the scientists who I had chosen to attend, because there were simultaneously eight workshops happening ,I mention the following : Les Lancaster PhD., he did an amazing introduction to the Kabbalistic psychology, including kinetic presantation.It was so surprising to realize who much the Phoenician alphabet looks like the Kabbalistic one. Les has approached this tradition in many forms, as he is amazing singer of ecclesiastical hymns Kabbalah as Frienkel Paul as well. Williams Ralph, from Zurich.He tries to connect the ancient traditions with the Greek spirit, to introduce us to a new way of awareness, a new way that we can see and managing statew of being. A way in which our personal identity alone, is what forms the chaos in matter, the tangible reality to tangible, the invisible to visble.He proposes welcoming of each new situation created in our lives, and been neutral in any fight, because when someone does not RESIST, there is no battle. As a tool for this technique he proposes to be simultaneously aware, of our self internally and of the world around us externally, at each unique moment Marcie Boukouvalas PhD, of Boston She connected the individual, social, and cosmic level. So if we think that ourselves are directly connected with the planet, because it is an historical truth that >is happening nowdays, any decisions people , societies, heads of state, leaders of the world, all have to be coordinated with the uprising quality called consciousness. Because this period humanity becomes aware that we, as individuals ,are always inside the whole and everything is inside us. Therefore any action do not happens only outside of us but every happening action affect us inside, because the outside of us and the inside us is the doctrine that Apollonius calls ONE=UNITY. Biechonski Jure, Estonia, it was evident that his IQ was very high comparing to the usual average.He presented an experiential workshop entitled: The issue of identity and spirituality in transpersonal psychology .He prevented from keeping NOTES because like he said, no matter what we write but what is impressed and will stay in our minds. Megan Wagner PhD, from the USA, with 33 splendid robes, cloaks, hand-painted with archetypal performances and amazing colors, introduces us to valuable intellectual qualities based on the teachings of Kabbalah and the Tree of Life. Gangadean Ashok PhD presented a workshop entitled: Search of Lost coded speech for transpersonal life and culture Lattuada Pier Luigi PhD gave an introduction to the method of Bioenergetics as a path, focusing on standards shaman. Zana Marovic PhD from N. Africa and Serbia, presented a workshop on Quantum Consciousness, synthetic psychology and spirituality. Supposing that quantum physics, accepting that all potential opportunities may occur, and that everything is interconnected, sees consciousness as the link. Thus, the approach is selective ,holistic,cross-cultural, spiritual and interdisciplinary. Nikos Mangalios presented a workshop entitled Hesychasm, a path to the heart. Prayer, neutrality, love, compassion, and self-awareness .He Organised also with great success a workshop for inccubation of Aesculapius, where the participants felt the magical presence of Apollo-Aesculapius . Rodrigues Vitor PhD, Portugal, explained that the necessity of our disintegration from the old, and the transformation of our energy to a new form,was very old practice in the Eastern traditions. There every man- identified with a silver piece of stone, which had together like a talisman.Every year they melt it and then,they were transforming it into the oven ,giving a new different shape to this silver mass. This practice symbolizes that we should melt our old self,cutting the past and to give him the chance for a further transform;ation.Perhaps this is the deeper meaning of the sacrifice meaning. That we must lose something to come back in another form, or that we must clean out the old ideas and situations, transforming them into a new . Reminiscent of practice proposed by Socrates, ie a temporary conscious ignorance, to cleanse the mind before the assumption of new knowledge. Lindy McMullin, transpersonal psychologist and writer, was the organizator and coordinator of the conference.She said that during the process of the journey to the inner self, resulting in a conscious way of life, you no longer need to learn to hear the voice of a man (the SELF -us), but we are connected with the cosmic wisdom. (A challence not learning listen to anotherself, but the Essence of all Essences) She Did not missed to include any archetypal custom of the ancient apollonian culture . Michael Karavassilis Apollonius, was invited who gave a special touch to accompany playing the lyre. I think that it was probably the most honorable missions in life of Lydia ta her name reminds,lida,lada,lito, to come and revive at the shrine of Apollo, ancient events , inviting leading scientists and philosophers from all around the world to change opinions together. Judith Miller Phd, who experienced a personal INSTANT incident, perhaps Apollonius sima -signal.After the cancellation of a workshop,due to war,she was feelling terribly,and it was here she met Neta the Co-organizer. Suddenly the watch broke without any reason.It happened right when as Neda Shaked Kuchli, the co-organizer, showed feeling what Judith was feeling, understand and feel sadness about this inconvenience and said reassuringly with interest. >. Maybe Apollo did this to draw the attention that nothing is worth more than , to be with our attention to the present time at every minute, having left the past behind us, because only the present unites us with the divine gifts . By this lecture we can see how the compassion is transormated in sadness,and how this sadness is transformated in love that is the healing power comission The Soul, the spiritual man is like a kite, that needs space and air atmosphere (freedom) and an elastic rope (flexibility) .If one keeps tightly into his arms, graping on the kite (or in difficulty), it is nonsense to seems that the kite will ever fly high in the sky. Thus is agree to the Maikov Vladimir Phd, who spoke about the importance of archetypes tradition in the psychotherapy.When onehe joked with the Jews originating grandmother asking her, her opinion about transpersonal psychology ... .she replied that > ... and this is real, because his grandmother reflected kindness, sorrow, COMPASSION and with these qualities she kept the family connected,in order to overcome the hard consequences of the wars of last century. Zana Marovic added that it was the spirit, the soul that gives strength to evolve and survive through their personal labors ... like for example this time we live in a labors-game, both domestically and globally ,that they will, end either with the uprising of collective wisdom either with the destruction of humanity and the planet.Let s respond positively to this challenge This discussion can be followed at: //youtube/watch? V = 1lX5RGzoxrQ & list = UUOJYDmmo24oxqQ3Y75HNc2A & index = 5 - at https://youtube/watch?v=1lX5RGzoxrQ. From the Greeks I d like to mention: Dimitris Livas, who emphasized the evaluation function based on the essence, and not typical, and he made the surprising observation that he was greatly benefited from the energy of theconference, even if,been at the secretarial support,he didn t follow not one lecture or workshop. Maria Sideri and Elina Hounda who organized a workshop on the Elourovolos archetype as resolving conflict model A COMMENT Spontaneously I commented as following What happened to me and happened to Judith was an Appolon miracle. How I came to the conference? It was because of a… crazy woman jumping in the middle of the street, exactly close to Delphina sacred river of Appolon, asking where Pilot hotel is. So this area was a holly area. It was not something strange that here, in Apollon place, that the sacred rituals were taken place, this conference that has to say, in my language, in Apollon language “break duality go to ONESS” happens here. And it was here, the Gods here in Greece and in Creta were transcendental and omnipresent Gods. This doesn’t mean you had to go to do psychotherapy in order to meet God or elsewhat. The God was present all the time everywhere…It was the same God who sent Lisbet in the middle of the street, the same God who broke Judie’s watch. In this area rituals of incubation were taken place. Also, the owners of the hotels around here are talented. Also Mr. Papadakis, Pilot Hotel owner, is a hero. He was the best pilot in all over Hellas, and he was the only person who gave the honour to Greece to be championship in all Europe Nato Exercises. So there is holy energy, exits here, and I am so much emouved that we celebrate here “ONESS”. This is what I feel. What happened to me and happened to Judith was an Appolon miracle. How I came to the conference? It was because of a… crazy woman jumping in the middle of the street, exactly close to Delphina sacred river of Appolon, asking where Pilot hotel is. So this area was a holy area. It was not something strange that here, in Apollon place, that the sacred rituals were taken place, this conference that has to say, in my language, in Apollon language “break duality go to ONESS” happens here. And it was here, the Gods here in Greece and in Creta were transcendental and omnipresent Gods. This doesn’t mean you had to go to do psychotherapy in order to meet God or elsewhat. The God was present all the time everywhere…It was the same God who sent Lisbet in the middle of the street, the same God who broke Judie’s watch. In the area rituals of incubation were taken place. Also, the owners of the hotels around here are talented. Also Mr. Papadakis, Pilot Hotel owner, is a hero. He was the best pilot in all over Hellas, and he was the only person who gave the honour to Greece to be championship in all Europe Nato Exercises. So there is holy energy, exits here, and I am so much emouved that we celebrate here “ONESS”. This is what I feel, thank you for sharing . Other comments followed in the same direction of speech.. But I notice something strange, that as I commented like a Swiss Italian lady Mantsini-Wilms as well, who commented on the RodriguesVitor speech , the previous day ... our voices was like to be coming inside of a Trans state,like we were reading the essence of the atmosphaire. A SYMBOL The hotel Pilot, whose name is associated with the sky, could be seen, a hub, a gateway, a traffic light on the path of humanity, an Appolo Pilot Royal Resort. This could take the form of a symbol for our spiritual development, because it is built in a place where the bioenergy, the geodynamic energy and spiritual work that has been practiced there since antiquity, encourages our access to the awareness of the Collective wisdom, which leads to unity,towards the ONE If we consider humanity like an aircraft we could intergrate, contributing our best ,to create and join a pilot, that we all become part of him. This pilot would drive us to the highest levels,in order to explore the wisdom at Heavens Farms. BUT WE,Instead feeling like passengers on aircraft that we must obey the club pilot, everyones trying to grab the steering wheel and only panic and disruption causes to himself, to the passengers and to the crew. Beacause we are all like blindfolded, among others blindfolded as well, and because everyone of us is dominated by ego, everyone wants to grab the steering wheel believing that he is the best one. But perhaps it would be wiser to take out the bonds from our eyes, because then if All we have this wisdom the aircraft would go alone, without a pilot.because God will be so pleased by this atmospaire made by the feeling of humility and harmony that he would make the aircraft moving by the spirit, as the ships of the Phoenicians and Phaecians in Homer narrations; Referring again Mr Papadakis, who attends public events with the most simple professional car of the hotel ... , but because of teaching us the value of the virtues of humiliation
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 07:01:08 +0000

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