DESPITE ALL ODDS EPISODE 6 {Exclusive to} - TopicsExpress


DESPITE ALL ODDS EPISODE 6 {Exclusive to} ::::::::::::::: Wiping imaginary dirts off the wall; Sasha sat on the rug,squeezed into a corner of the sitting room. High pitched laughter came from her siblings, they were playing the scrabble game, she took a quick glance at Dapo and Cassandra, shouldnt they be in their place of primary assignment and hostels respectively? She thought. Coming home to spend the weekend like some toddlers! What kinda word is that? she heard Dapo say. read it now.. Cassandra replied. Oddball? Kola read it out. Cassie , youre looking for trouble. Dapo warned as they both laughed. I wonder what shes wiping off the wall. Dapo whispered. Maybe, shes having a meeting with her fellow demons. Cassandra said loudly. The association of Dadas! Kola chirped in. Sasha swallowed hard, she heard them all, they were actually looking for her trouble, and she wont disappoint them. I want to play scrabble. she walked towards them. well Sassy, we aint done yet, wait till the game is over. Kola told her. I want to play scrabble now! her voice was pitched high. Wait, till were done Dapo said irritated. No! she said adamantly. what are you gonna do? we arent through yet. cassandra yelled at her. Sasha grabbed the board, scattered the keys all over the place, before tearing the board in two. thats what Im gonna do! Are you out of your mind? Dapo yelled infuriated. Yes! came her reply. What the heck is your problem? Cant you live in peace for once? he rose to his feet. Oh! Mr peace-maker, why dont you teach me how to live in peace Dont you talk to me like that, okay? Im far older than you! Dapo wagged a warning finger at her face. What difference does it make? At 25 youre still depending on your parents for pocket money, when your mates are driving big cars with fat bank accounts? Sasha sneered. Dont let me deal with you! please do! Rubbish! What can you do? Kill me? You can do absolutely nothing Fool! she spat into his face. Infuriated, Dapo slapped her twice. Jeez! Sasha glared at him, painful suprise written all over her face. Very good! Time to teach this brat how to use her tongue. Cassandra clapped. you slapped me? Sashas voice was low Dapo wriggled his hands, did he just slap his sister? What on earth came over him? You dare raise your hands at me? Dapo you slapped me? Answer me! You slapped me? she asked again in a painful whisper. Dapo exhaled sharply, why couldnt he control his anger? What kind of example was he setting? He didnt just slap any female but his sister? He glared at his hands, they moved to fast. Sasha! Kola screamed, making him look up sharply. Sasha slumped slowly to the ground, her rolled up. Kola rushed to hold her. Dapo stared at her confused. Sasha! he shook her, but she was unconscious. Were in trouble! Cassandra wailed. bring some water. Dapo said, holding Sasha on his knees. They poured a bowl of water on her, but couldnt revive her. Oh my God! Sasha please dont die! Kola began to cry. Dont sit there crying, get the car key! Dapo ordered. Cassie? Call mum and dad please he added carrying Sasha on his shoulder. where are you taking her to? Kola asked giving him the keys. Hospital. Dapo replied heading towards the garage. His heart was heavy. For once he regretted coming home to spend the weekend. What if something happened to her? How would he face his parents to tell them he killed his sister? God please... He said igniting the car. WATCHOUT FOR EPISODE 7 TIME/TARGET: After 25 Likes
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 19:59:54 +0000

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