DESPITE TODAY BEING FRIDAY WHICH HAS ALWAYS BEEN ALL MY LIFE A BRIGHT AND HAPPY DAY . . . . . . for me and, notwithstanding the fact that I have just returned home from one of the most fun and happy vacations I’ve ever taken, I feel just a little low today. It’s a beautiful September day, I’m enjoying the best health I’ve experienced in a long time and I’ve just come back home from getting to deliver an exciting and rousing lecture and power-point presentation on life in Colonial America—a subject I thoroughly love—to three classes of the absolute best students in America; thus, by all rights, everything should bode perfectly for elation and joy this afternoon! Mom and Regenia are coming tonight and we’re all going to try out a new restaurant I just learned about today from a friend of mine at Ardmore High School, I’m savoring a delicious lunch and listening to my favorite tunes on the player piano, so why am I not on top of the world and happy as a lark? I’ll tell you why! I know perfectly well the cause of my sagging spirits and blue mood. It’s because of something that happened on my way up to Ardmore this morning! I was tooling along enjoying the beautiful sunlight, listening to delightful tunes on the sound system in the Sonata when I wasn’t talking to Mom on the phone and just anticipating a great day exploring the wonderful history of this great country with my bright and enthusiastic students when, suddenly, I noticed a dove sitting on the pavement immediately ahead in my lane! Before I could swerve, break or do anything to avoid the poor thing, it took flight and flew directly into my windshield . . . ending its sweet, precious, innocent life! Immediately I was struck with pain and remorse! I saw its beautiful life come crashing to a halt! I instantly realized that it would never again see its mate, its babies or its friends. Never again would it fly freely soaring in the great blue canopy of life exulting in just being alive and free! My eyes filled with tears at the loss of a precious life that adorned and ornamented this world! Gone forever never more to be simply because of me being at the wrong place and at the wrong time and maybe not quite as alert and vigilant as perhaps I should have been! A harmless, innocent sentient being gone because of me! My heart is still saddened by that incident and I just can’t seem to climb out of the malaise of gray haze surrounding it. Not being able to do anything about it, or to change it, simply wounds my spirit and saddens my heart. The world is minus one lovely ornament, one sweet little joyful treasure all because I couldn’t swerve or stop in time. And for that, Little Dove, I am so sincerely sorry . . . one day my time will also come . . . Today I’m only going to post an odd collecting, an eclectic montage, if you will, of unusual photos I’ve taken with my cell phone camera over the last couple of days, nothing bright and happy. I’ll save the bright and happy photos for when I’m feeling brighter and happier. I’ll save those for when my spirits are up and I’m feeling less guilt and sadness. The pics I’m posting range from some strange accidents that have happened right around here during the last day or two, a little bird that drowned itself in the fountain in the back yard (fortunately through no fault of mine), the bird on my windshield, the Stand-Up-MRI machine I drove to Birmingham yesterday to use since I am too big of a “woos” for the torpedo-tube types around here, and I’ll end with a view of my classroom before class began today. P.S. A NOTE ABOUT THE MRI: My TOC doctor scheduled me for an MRI for my back at Valley Imaging where they claim to have an “open” MRI, but even though I took two valium pills as prescribed by my physician, I still could not stand to be put into that torpedo tube! I came out and scheduled an appointment at Stand-Up MRI in Birmingham. Ott and I drove down yesterday for it. I had used it a couple of times before and probably should have known I’d have to this time, but I hoped against hope that maybe I had matured and grown up a little since my last MRI, but apparently not! I am just too claustrophobic to be inside those narrow tubes especially with a fibrillating heart and upper respiratory congestion! Anyway, everything went fine yesterday and my TOC doctor now has the images of my back that he needs.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 21:10:00 +0000

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