DESTINATION FOR DESTINY FULFILLMENT... “I am the way, and the - TopicsExpress


DESTINATION FOR DESTINY FULFILLMENT... “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. Men and brethren, our Awesomely Awesome God does not need alternative to our relationship with Him. He does not take our excuses or age as a factor. He wants to take and occupy His place so that He can do what He is committed to do in our lives. When there is a relationship with Him, there is a destination for the fulfilment of our destiny. The struggle between panicking over our destination and finding one’s destiny is as old as the Christian faith. We have seen many countries plonked into uncertainties, many families fear the unknown and many leaders embezzle money and destroy nations because they have no idea where they are going to or what will befall them tomorrow. It’s the crux of Jesus’s exchange with Thomas in John 14. Jesus is prepping the disciples for His imminent death and departure, telling them that He’s going away to prepare a place for them. “I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way to the place where I am going,” John 14:3-4. Thomas has no idea where Jesus is going and he panics to think he won’t reach the destination. “How can we know the way?” he asks. (v5) His question triggers one of Jesus’s most frequently quoted statements: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (v6). The glory of a revealed future is too strong to be ignored and despised to stay in the dark past. People who see the glory of the future get settled down in their divine appointment and placement. Let me shock you by saying that People who remember and dwell on and ponder their past have no future. Isaiah 43:18-19. Any time Jehovah appears, He is looking for whom to communicate with, keep relationship and have fellowship with. Jehovah appeared in the bush as a burning flame and Moses was attracted to it. The result was that he was transformed and redeemed from menial occupation to divine assignment. Boy oh boy, the love of God connects us to opportunity to change things around us. The love of Jehovah announces and introduces us to creation, and puts us on top in our areas of influence. His love is the motivation for the right destination for our destiny. Abraham was losing hope because of his age and childlessness before God revealed Himself to him as the Nourisher-the one who has the power to recreate and replace the organs of the body. He nourished the body of Abraham and his wife by creating new organs in them. After this experience, the old woman conceived and brought forth what was impossible for their marital destiny. Every destiny has a destination. There is a destination for the fulfillment of our destiny. When God that makes changes anywhere enters your destination, there will be a surge in your ability to perform because your life is God’s assignment and everything about you is God’s assignment. Therefore, until your motives become all of God, your situation will remain the same. Abraham loved God but his mind and conscience was not circumcised,consecrated and empowered. The first thing God did was to reposition his destiny in the right track by covenant. 4 THINGS GOD DID WITH ABRAHAM: Abraham corrected his mistake. He realized he was not walking perfectly with God. He was still walking in error before God even after he had met God. When God revealed Himself as El-Shaddai to him, he repented and God mended and cleansed him from the Hagar sinful connection. God changed his identity. He was called Abram but when God revealed Himself as El-Shaddai, His name was changed from Abram to Abraham. The name Abram was a limitation to the purpose of God for him. Almighty God shall redeem our identity and change our name. Abraham received consecration. It is empowerment of the mind. Abraham’s mind was empowered to receive God’s word as God’s word. Consecration connects you to God and disconnects you from the devil. God El-Shaddai shall empower our mind and heal it from corruption this year, in Jesus’ name. God linked the life of Abraham to the host of Heaven. Almighty God shall renew our mandate for life and connect us to our destiny helpers in this season. He gives you hope in your hopelessness. He gives you a future from zero level and from zero to Hero. The marriage of Abraham was under attack of delay and oppression. After his consecration through circumcision, God renewed the covenant and sent angels to him. If you want to reign in your areas of jurisdiction, you must be ready to pray the Scripture. The Bible says, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” Matthew 26:41. Every assignment and destiny needs prayer – your personal prayer and group prayer are necessary keys to your success. Pray on target and live in faith on your prayers. Prosperity is Word-determined, not money-determined. No matter what we give, our money won’t have a future if it’s not backed up by a “Word seed,” that is, a revelation from the Word of God. It’s the Word seed that causes that money seed to increase. So many of us want to give a money seed, but we don’t have a Word seed. And so we release the money seed without any force behind it. It’s the Word of God, the Word seed, which determines prosperity in every area of life. Word seed will prosper you when the doctor tells you you’re sick. Word seed will prosper you when you feel like you’re about to lose your mind. Word seed will prosper your marriage when things seem down and out. Right where you are, if you are in church without knowing your covenant identity, you are wasting your time. It is your covenant identity that has the power to break the lines of barriers and limitation over you. The process to Destination and Prosperity Overflow starts with the Word. “I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved” (Psalms 16:8). You must task yourself to try out what you have never done before if you want to experience what you have never experienced before. The Word produces your thinking; your thinking produces your emotions; your emotions produce your decisions; your decisions produce your actions; your actions produce your habits; your habits produce your character; and your character produces your destiny. Where you end up in life and destiny will be based on how you handle that progression. MORNING CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH... CULLED FROM:
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 07:39:29 +0000

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