DESTINY OF THE CHURCH PART II [Bro. Francis] Philippians - TopicsExpress


DESTINY OF THE CHURCH PART II [Bro. Francis] Philippians 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and thingsin earth, and things under the earth; Philippians 2:11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. God bless reading of these Words, good morning to all and good afternoon, good evening America this is your rgular broadcast once again Restoration Of Mysteries Of God coming to you live from Manila Philippines station of DWDD 1134 KHz AM Band. I’m going to the series of the Apostle’s Doctrine, hope you’ll join us in this one hour morning devotion and we’re in the series of the Apostle’s Doctrine number 6, The Church letter D. The Destiny Of The Church and under the Destiny Of The Church we are in the End Times. Here in the End Times, we are in the Great White Throne Judgment. That song was brough to you by those who will bow down before Him. Of those of heaven above earth below and those under the earth which are those contained in hell that will be resurrected in the Great White Throne Judgment. In case you have any comments, questions, please call our numbers, station numbers 4212590, 4212591 and that’s in Manila and for those who doesn’t have a telephone just text your question to +639272946840. So, with regards to this subject we talked about last week the book of life earlier weeks. Then the kind of sins, the sins of those who are saved and unsaved. So, with regards to the subject last week we talked about The Lake Of Fire and the duration of time it will take and the flatform early on that we talked about the flatform the ocurt room, where it will be held and hopefully today we could clear it out, clear it of this subject regarding the annihilation of the believer. So, before we begin I request Bro. Omar to give us an opening prayer. [Bro. Omar] Father we thank you Lord for the blessed time in this ministry, anoint the lips of Thy servant Francis Chan and Omar Fadul in order to minister the Message of the hour in Jesus Name we pray, amen. [Bro. Francis] Ok, and with regards to this subject sorry I was not able to switch on the sound for his prayer. And with regards to that last week, regarding the Great White Throne Judgment, what aspect did we talked about? It was about the last verse in Psalm 104:35 I guess, that is regarding being consumed out of the earth. Now, the Scriptures declares do not fear him that could kill the body, just the body but him that could kill the body and soul in hell. And what kind of hell is that? That kind of hell is called Gehenna. It’s Gehennum the valley of Henum. Now, there are 3 types of hell in Greek. Spelled hell in our Bibles. There is this Gehenna that we mentioned. There is this Hades what we have often mentioned before, and there is this Tartarus. Hades represents the dimension it does not talk about the specific location of hell. Jesus speaks about the specific location of hell open our Bibles to Matthew 12:40, Hem mentioned the location of hell and that kind of location speaks of the Tartarus, the Greek word Tartarus in I guess that is in Trider, wherein the angels that had rebelled are kept in everlasting chains. Here He carried the word everlasting does not mean eternal. Later on we’re gonna talk about that. Now, Matthew 12:40 please read for us. [Bro. Omar] Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whales belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. [Bro. Francis] The heart of the earth is the center of the earth, the scientist know there are magmas there and there are even reports before when I was in my previous church, there was the sound, recorded sound of hell. The alleged sounds of hell recorded by Russian scientists. Have you heard of that when you were in Assemblies Of God? [Bro. Omar] Yes, I read about it, they were drilling a water pipe in Russia and they were surprised to hear many people moaning at the same time at the end of that pipe. [Bro. Francis] The end of the pipe? Wow! I don’t know that detail. And i read about that a little again in the internet. I also bought a copy of the CD. There is a woman pastor made a video out of it, well it might do good to scare you but you should be scared because of the picture painted by Christ. Of Hell fire, of Gehenna. What Christ would say they warm dieth not and the warm dieth not and the fires not quench. Although this is not our main subject of the 3 kinds of hell. We’re just passing by quickly. When Christ mentioned He would be three days and three nights in the center of the earth, that’s the same Scripture of the first location, 1 Peter 3:18. He went to the spirits in prison to preach to the spirit in prison. And what did He preached about? He came two things. To comfort and to condemn. And who would be condemned? Those who rejected, rejected what? The Message of God in their lifetime. The Message of the hour. The Message of the hour in every individual, in every lifetime, in every geographical are of the earth is different. So, as they rejected the Message of the hour in their place, in their locality in the boundaries that God has set for them. Then the Message that they will receive from Christ, the preaching will be their condemnation. One single Message of Christ brings condemnation, and brings deliverance to those to the other part of those who are in hell, to those that will, that were believers, followers, harder followers of the Message. And what kind of Message? There where different kind of Message in the time of Adam, in the time of Noah, in the time of Lot, of course in every parts of the globe China, India and many other countries. Africa they may even be witch doctors there. There may be prophets there in different sense shamans or what but they have the Message of God, however shallow it may be. Confucius, Lao Tze, Siddhartha, who is Siddhartha? This is what people believes Buddha and that is another subject. Regarding Old Testament, the Gentiles having salvation but the point here in Romans 2:16 salvation for every believer in the Old Testament from whom Christ preaching could be heard in the center of the earth. Their salvation lies upon the Message of the Hour just the same as today it is the Master Key it does not change. When you say The Message of the Hour, the term is a Master Key what you should know what God is doing today. Doesnt matter what God has done before, what God will be doing in the future, but what you should know is what God is doing today. You should know what God’s Messages is today. Without it you missed the mark. And if you die, you missed His grace. So, while you’re alive you should strive to know. Not by just temporary, not by this spoon feed alligence. It should be temporary spoon feeding from your denomination. It should be a stepping stone so that you could be objective in testifying in comparing, in proving all things, among different messages. You will not receive the Message of the Hour unless you objectively compare, even though you have spoon fed suppose to be truth. If you don’t objectively prove it out with others, compare it with others then for you it doesnt stand. Still you’re alligence. It is in your nursery, hospital or nursery room, nursery home. You still could not get out, you still could not face the world. Now, with regards to that, those that will be left in hell are those never really graduated from nursery and those are in hell half of them were preached, the other half received condemnation, the other half deliverance. And when Christ Resurrected from the dead He took with Him captivity captive that is in Ephesians 4:8. Now, in the Great White Throne Judgment those who were with Him in the regeneration. Christ said in Matthew 19 could you open for us Bro. Omar. [Bro. Omar] Matthew 19 [Bro. Francis] Those who were with Him in the regeneration will also judge then in the Great White Throne Judgment. [Bro. Omar] That would be in verse 28 [Bro. Francis] Now, this does not only pertain directly to the Great White Throne Judgment but the Great White Throne Judgment is at the same time applied to this. Because the judgment was only mentioned in Israel. It applies also to all because Israel there are believers and unbelievers. Same, whether they have the law or not, even though they have the law there’s still make-believers there. Ok, could you read for us, please give us the verse. [Bro. Omar] Matthew 19:28 [Bro. Francis] Ok [Bro. Omar] Matthew 19:28 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. [Bro. Francis] The word Judge starts in the Millennium, judgment of nations. Then it will culminate in the Great White Throne Judgment. So, starting from the judgment among nations until the Great White Throne Judgment that is where this verse applies. And that is also the age of regeneration for those who will be left alive on earth. So, with regards to the Great White Throne Judgment this verse is an extension from that period of time. Going back to what we were saying, those who will set in the judgment position and those who will be judged are decided today in your life time. And here in your life time, what was decided upon is your decision. To fall to be Berean. Now with regards to this, let;s go back to Revelation 20 we were mentioning the 3 types of hell, just passing, again there is this Gehenna, secondly there is this Hades, thirdly there is this Tartarus. Now, to be exact Gehenna is the hell fire, part of hell. So,hell has 3 aspects the center of the earth that is the Tartarus aspect. The dimension of the dead that’s the Hades aspect and lastly the Gehenna that’s the torment, fire of torment aspect. Let’s open our Bible to Luke 16 as I have said we’re not going to the detail we’re just passing by through this. [Bro. Omar] This is about Lazarus [Bro. Francis] And the rich man [Bro. Omar] And the rich man [Bro. Francis] Ok, could you read for us Sis. Grace Luke 16 if you could read the whole, a bigger context maybe you start from verse 19 until verse 24. [Sis. Grace] Luke 16:19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: Luke 16:20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, Luke 16:21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich mans table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. Luke 16:22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abrahams bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; Luke 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. Luke 16:24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. [Bro. Francis] Ok, you read the part “I am tormented in this flame.” The flaming part of hell is what we called Gehenna, ok. Gehenna, that’s a Greek spelling in the Manuscripts and in the King James they’re all spelled as hell, also hell fire. Now, the lake of fire that’s another picture of this Gehenna. Now, does that mean the rich man was in the lake of fire already. Not yet physically, spiritually yes, but the lake of fire was the Great white Throne Judgment has not yet taken place. There is what we called a preliminary judgment. If you know in Hebrews, was it verse, chapter 9? For this appointed unto man wants to die after left... [Bro. Omar] 27, judgment [Bro. Francis] Judgment, so, you have a preliminary judgment but there’s is another judgment called sentencing. How long will your sentence be in the lake of fire, but there is this preliminary judgment with regards to where your destination would be. Right now, according to your actions, according to your decision, you might have an idea, you could have an idea already. Where you are threading upon, where you’re going to. If your faith is weak, you might be unsure. That’s why we need the edification of the brethren. We need this involvement whith each other, reckoning each other. Now, without this, without going to services, gathering places, to share each other the Word then we grow weak. You might still go to services but never report or share to each other and that will be just a social club, but we need the Word of God as it is being shared by each other. That’s how we will be complete. I’d like to share something that is not in to this subject. How are we gonna finish the Messages brought by the Messengers of God, the past and the present if we are not, each individual would testify from what he has prepared at home in our gathering worship services? How we will be complete? Unless we help each other. One person could not cover the Messages as a single person, in their lifetime. And how could they cover several? Bro. Branham... maybe they could, one person’s message, but how about other messengers? So, if they could not cover, they need the help and because of work and other concerns in life we could not complete by ourselves if we desire to, but that kind of desire needed for you to skip the wrath of this fire, so you need the help of each individual, Christian believer in your churches as a progressive ministry, to share with each other, to contribute to each other the Holistic Message of Christ in these last days. Now, going back from my digress subject. Here in the lake of fire. The rich man’s agony will be continued but even added more with physical torment in the lake of fire. When you read here in Revelation 20 I saw the dead, what verse would that be? That will be in verse 12. Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before This does not mean they’re still dead, they were resurrected, of course they will not resurrected for the rest of their life. They were resurrected for condemnation. Again the reference verses are John 5:29, Daniel 12:2 or verse 3. Here, you find the ghost that resurrected are in their bodies. The torment of the rich man is only in his soul, his spirit, but here when he’s resurrected his torment will be in his body and that will be doubled-times the agony. And of course God is a God of justice, He does not meet out the sentence, the punishment equally for all men, it is according to their works. Please let’s read again this verse 13, Revelation 20:13. [Sis. Grace] Revelation 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. [Bro. Francis] Now, the works are their decisions, struggles in life but they have rejected Christ. They have rejected His Gospel. It is the New Testament. All those that will be saved in the Old Testament, who resurrected with Christ already in the New Testament starting from Christ’s Resurrection from hearing the Gospel. Of course there are still people on other parts of the world who never heard the Gospel, that’s another judgment aside from that, but for those who have heard the Gospel and rejected it in other parts of the globe, the progressive message of the hour that they have then they will judge according to their works. What kind of works? This is what we called “good works”. I’d like to ask Sis. Grace, have you seen unbelievers that are righteous, seemingly righteous in their lives today? Like what the Bible said Cornelius or have you seen upright people, descent people? [Sis. Grace] Yes, they’re everywhere. [Bro. Francis] They’re everywhere. And you met some of them in your life? [Sis. Grace] I did. [Bro. Francis] And have you ever come across in your mind what would be the end of these people? [Sis. Grace] Well as we have read in the Bible, what will be the end be, they’re ignorant of that. [Bro. Francis] So, people might rely their salvation on their [Sis. Grace and Bro. Francis] On their good works [Sis. Grace] Yes [Bro. Francis] They might even rely their salvation on their own understanding. [Sis. Grace] It’s because on their religion it is being taught, taught by their religions. [Bro. Francis] And that’s a good point. I’d like to point out even the Christian religion [Sis. Grace] Yes [Bro. Francis] There are Christian, denominations or groups unconsciously, unknowingly, forcing people to be like that why? Because of the partial truth that they have known. They might also nominally in their minds accepted Christ, they might have think they accepted Christ. [Sis. Grace] Or they just know Christ. [Bro. Francis] When you say knowing Christ, that’s a vulnerable term, when you say in their minds they have accepted His grace, accepted His salvation but when you say accept His grace and salvation what does that until? We’re gonna take a short break. Ok, going back to our question, what was our question a while ago? [Bro. Omar] What was that until? [Bro. Francis] If, what was that until if...? [Sis. Grace] If they have known Christ partially, they have known Christ partially... [Bro. Francis] Known Christ partially yes. [Sis. Grace] What was that until? [Bro. Francis] Yes, now what does it until if they claim to know Christ when they accepted Christ supposedly as their personal Lord and Savior, but they would still end up in hell. They would still end up in the lake of fire. That’s very terrible! The devil is a deceiver, how did he deceived the unbelievers? If they are trusting their own works for their salvation is the same also in the religious churches, who have their own works that they trusted, that they thought were part of their salvation. Now, the main answer is this. Accepting Christ until accepting His Progressive Revelation. Or at least hungering for it. That means to say you’re not contented with a recycled message of the past. God’s Spirit will lead you to the Message of the Hour. What God’s Word is being preached of this hour? And what is God doing right now? If you reject the Message and you don’t hunger to prove it let say “Oh! I’m not that good, I‘m a little bit dumb, it’s hard for me to understand.” Well at least you hunger for it. Well at least you do what Acts 11 does, but if you don’t then you’re deceived in your churches because it has given you a false sense of security. The church might not telling it to you. Tell you that you might in a great danger because you are lukewarm, your church might not even believe that you’re lukewarm. Because you’re contented from where you are. It is a Christianity of comfort, it is not a Christianity of hungering for truth of God His Message of the Hour. You were saying something? [Sis. Grace] Is this for complacency? [Bro. Francis] Yes it is complacency. You know even denominations have felt this complacency, but what should they do? But at the first place they have rejected the Message of the Hour. Secondly, they have closed the minds of the people from going to being Berean, to the Message of the Hour. Being Berean to all messages. You know one message leads to the other. So, not anyone could have any excuse. I give you an example. I’m gonna ask you, a Catholic may complain, “I don’t know about the Endtime Message, I don’t know about the Restoration Message or the Pentecostal Message, this is what Ive known, Catholicism.” This is what are we gonna point out to indict you that you were no excuse. Let me ask you Sis. Grace do you think all Catholics know there’s a Protestant? [Sis. Grace] I think so. [Bro. Francis] Yes, precisely because it’s just next to them. Not one of them would be ignorant that there are Protestants. [Sis. Grace] Hmmm... [Bro. Francis] The priests are the ones to tell them. “Don’t even listen to them!” they might not encountered a Protestant but at least they have heard of them. Why? Because they are the one next in line of the Message. Now, let me ask you, Bro. Omar, does all Protestants, majority of Pentecostals know about the Pentecostals? [Bro. Omar] Yes. [Bro. Francis] Yes, there’s Pentecostal’s revivals sweeping the globe not one could have an excuse there’s what they called “the 1st wave, the 2nd wave.” Have you heard of this Bro. Omar? [Bro. Omar] Yes [Bro. Francis] 1st wave, 2nd wave, 3rd wave? Could you explain to me what that means? [Bro. Omar] Beside the ancient birth of the church in Jerusalem, Upper room there were visitation of the Holy Spirit where the gifts of the Holy Spirit gave the church a new experience of healing and prophecy and interpretation of tongues and the nine gifts and it gave revival to the church. [Bro. Francis] Now, the mainstream, the first wave are the Pentecostals. The second wave are those charismatic movements [Sis. Grace] That was in the 80’s, 60’s. [Bro. Francis] Yes. This is in the Pentecostal’s dictionary. And the 3rd wave are those even on what they so called cults, they also have these experiences. So. all Protestants have no excuse because this is sweeping the globe. And they are being mixed together. These Pentecostals and some Protestants. And among the Pentecostals, do they know there is you’ve been in the Assemblies of God, have you heard the Oneness-Pentecostals? [Bro. Omar] When I was there not much. [Bro. Francis] Not much. [Sis. Grace] It was only later, I think it was in the 90’s. [Bro. Francis] Yes, eventually they will be known. Because they are the ones next in line. And from the Oneness-Pentecostals, now, maybe there are few exceptions, you have a friend that came from Africa I guess? Michael Bailey? Was he the missionary to Africa? Went to Africa? Was it Africa that he went to? I forgot. But anyway, he was so long in his missionary journeys. When he came back, I asked him did you know about the Oneness, or the Endtime? Of course when he said he doesnt know the Endtime Message that’s understandable. But when he said he didnt know there is Oneness, woah! That was a surprise for me. Well, that’s understandable because he was too long out of the field. Well, his kinds of reaction, when he encounters them that will decide whether he is Berean or not. But, what we are talking about, the mainstream, of those in the churches is not ignorant of the Oneness-Pentecostals. That Pentecostal, that Trinitarian-Pentecostal, they are not ignorant of Oneness-Pentecostal. Then they have an accountability to God to know. What was the message of the Oneness-Pentecostal? [Bro. Omar] Baptism in Jesus Name. [Bro. Francis] Amen, that’s simple, simple as that. There maybe other things but that’s the main message. Of course they have also the message about the Godhead. And the Godhead there is a little truth in it. But this message in baptism, this is a call for them. Now, since I guess, Sis, the church that you were involved before there are also among, majority of the churches, Pentecostal churches today are not in the mainstream, original denomination, their Pentecostal background. Now, what is the attitude? Have you also heard the Oneness when you were in your church, now what is the general attitude regarding them. What are the attitude of the members or the pastors, or the church in general, the church membership or these Oneness-Pentecostals? [Sis. Grace] They’re kind of shanden [Bro. Francis] Shanden away because? [Sis. Grace] Because, they don’t want to be get involved with them, that’s it. [Bro. Francis] Because it was presumed that... [Bro. Omar] They’re cults [Bro. Francis] Cults, errs, like that. [Bro. Omar] They have errors [Bro. Francis] Ok, of course... [Bro. Omar] Presumed [Bro. Francis] It was presumed because they have never really proven out. They have never really taken the Scripture what they have preached to the light of the Scripture. What they... shut them out and closed the door of their minds. And from... so, there without excuse. The Catholics are not... have not excuse, nit just they don’t know, just not they don’t know the Oneness, but because they even rejected the protestants. The Protestants not have excuse because they don’t know the Pentecostals. Why would I know that the Protestants rejected them? They know they have their own messages. Among the evangelicals, the Baptist they don’t believe in speaking in tongues, the gift. It still persist today. Except they changed their dogma. [Sis. Grace] But only few knows. But how about this unification of churches that’s going on? [Bro. Francis] Ecumenism, that’s another story. Now, some of those churches accepted it, have progress of that light. But only to that portion, but not progressing much, but the mainstream, the rest still holds on to their theology. That’s the mainstream Baptist, Southern Baptist etc. They hold on to theology that these are past. And there were also Baptist who has adapted what they called Bapticostals. [Sis. Grace] Ahuh [Bro. Francis] Some progress a little but of course the messages run through the Oneness and even beyond. Now, there without excuse. Because they know the Oneness message. Now, here’s another there is this beyond the Oneness, there is this Endtime Message. Now, I myself were in there. And every Oneness Pentecostals would have heard of that. Because they are the ones next in line. The Catholic-Protestants may not know, Trinitarian-Pentecostals may not know the Endtime Message, but the Oneness believers, theyve heard of it one way or the other because they’re the ones next in line. And what they have done to it? The leadership of this mainstream Oneness denomination have closed the minds of their hearers. They also heard the Endtime Message because it was publicized in the pulpit. “do not listen to them!” They could fraternize the Trinitarians and be not afraid. But to fraternize with the Message believer, the mainstream Oneness denominations they have specifically closed their minds on doing so. I encountered some of them, even splinter groups of them and their minds are shut out. Shut out to understand the next levels of this revelation. The Original Sin, and many other things. Here in the Endtime Message of course there are also differences, God had revelations and many other things. But, what would I’d like to say? Not every one is excused, most has their accountability to God. And if... it’s like this, your self righteousness, when you’re gonna be thrown to the lake of fire you will be judged according to your good works. Your good works include as unbeliever and as a make believer. When we say unbeliever, you did good things in your life, and you rely on them and as a make believer you were religious, you were Christian, you thought you were a Christian. But you never Berean in your life. You were contented to receive an initial message, and have revival on that initial message the just stagnate, just go complaisant. It’s like going out from Egypt and never reaching the Promise Land, but dying in the desert, in the wilderness. [Sis. Grace] Yes [Bro. Francis] And that is an urgent call for each and everyone of you to hear this message because there’s a message that’s next in line, if you have that hunger, God knows you have that hunger. And if God does not take away your life immediately, then God intense for you to walk in the next level of God’s perfection. God’s perfection are not in those denominations. It is in His Word. [Sis. Grace] Yes [Bro. Francis] And this denomination can only carries a part of this Word not the whole of it. [Sis. Grace] Yes [Bro. Francis] If your denomination carries the whole of it, then your denomination is not afraid to push you to be objective to all other groups, to all other levels. That is the pre-qualification. But if there are closed on something then you’ll know there’s a limit on their message then you know God’s call for you. God’s call for you is tor grow further, further from denominations that disallowed you from. [Sis. Grace] Yes [Bro. Francis] Now, going back, we took a long time in expounding this but let’s go back to verse 13, they are judged according to his works, that kind of works is the work similar to Cain, Cain had his good works, but his own good works is his own righteousness and whatever man done to his brother then they will be judged according to that. This works is done to their neighbor not works done to God. The works done to God is what we called faith works, works of faith. When you have works of faith, what kind of work would that be? If you find out, the proper Baptism is in the Name of Christ, then you would want to be re-Baptized. That is an example, of works of faith. But the works of the law of what Paul has used to his terminology, these are the works that is shall we call partial revelation what they have known in the past but it does not apply to what God apply in the present. He’s just, shall say, an arbitrary terminology. So, here, according to his works, what they have done against his brother according to the extend of what they have done. Well the death in Hades will cast in the lake of fire what does that mean? Again, we mentioned last week his death a concrete material, a person where you imagined a skeletal being with a hooded robe, black robe and a sickle in his hand. Death is an abstract term applied to the succession of life. And when death was cast in the lake of fire what was that mean? Could you give your opinion Bro. Omar? When death was thrown to the lake of fire what does that mean? We mentioned last week when death transcend in the lake of fire then there will be no death where they where, where are they standing the platform, the court room, The Great White Throne Judgement. It’s here... [Bro. Omar] On earth [Bro. Francis] Amen, that where they are resurrected. The thought you read in the Bible. [Bro. Omar] When Christ return [Bro. Francis] So when they are cast, death in Hades will be cast in the lake of fire it applies in the same thing, those who will have the second death will be transferred there. Let’s read verse 15. Revelation 20:15 Anyone not found written in the book of life was cast in the lake of fire. Anyone not foud written, so, those people that were cast in the lake of fire they’re the ones that have the second death. You have the second death because... [Sis. Grace] It was in the lake of fire. [Bro. Francis] They cast out in the lake of fire. And that was the meaning of the word “death was cast in the lake of fire.” That means to say, what we read last week on earth there will be no death, no more pain, no more sickness. it will be painful, it will be perfect bliss. [Sis. Grace] Because it was thrown to the lake of fire. [Bro. Francis] All pains, sickness and death, known will be throne in the lake of fire. And you know before they will be throne to the lake of fire or they will be acknowledge to receive Jesus Christ as Lord let’s open our Bibles just what we read a while ago. Philippians 2:9, I’m gonna quote, can you continue on? Philippians 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: [Bro. Bro. Omar] Philippians 210 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, [Bro. Francis] The tongue confess, every nation bow, [Bro. Omar] Philippians 2:10 of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; Philippians 2:11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. [Bro. Francis] so when you say everyone, the Protestants have read this in their comic books even the devil will confess Jesus Christ is Lord! All Christians are made to confess, I’m talking of a creation that has soul, or image of God initially they have their own free will regarding God so this will excludes the animals. All Christians, angels, and men. Whether youve been a believer, you have been made a make-believer, or an unbeliever eventually, in this Great White Throne Judgment you will be made to confess Jesus Christ is Lord. There is no escaping, you cannot reject it for the rest of your life. You will be forced actually you will be begging for your life when you’re thrown to the lake of fire, when you’re about to be thrown to the lake of fire. Today people will grasp will compromise their virtue, just for wealth, just for prosperity, they would even replace God just for comfort but there if you’re gonna be thrown to the lake of fire, you’ll b begging for your life. And you will acknowledge eventually Jesus Christ is Lord. No, one could reject that. You will be forced then. And here, anyone not found written in the book of life, will be cast in the lake of fire. Now, that’s where death transferred. And how about Hades? Hades transferred there because that has been the dimension of the dead. The dimension where the rich man and Lazarus was. And why did... let me ask this question, if Hades represents hell why would the rich man be there? I’m gonna give you what Hades picture is, even though they received their bodies they are in the dimension of the dead. Did you know that when you are alive, even though you’re alive in the body your spirit could also be in Hades? What are you talking about? Even though you have not yet died in your body your spirit could be a tomb, a tomb in that grave of your body. The body of your grave, your flesh, represents the grave and the spirit sleeping inside is being a tomb, it needs resurrection, awakening form hearing the message. So, this is what we can say, while you’re alive, you are already in the boundary between life and death, between the boundary between the living and the dead. Let’s open our Bibles to Matthew 16, this Scriptures is most often quoted. But do you understand the implication? You don’t just die, just going to Hades. While you are alive, you could already been in Hades, I just wish to answer. The rich man and Lazarus were both in Hades, one receiving comfort, one not. Lazarus represents the type of the souls under the altar in Revelation 5, it’s the 5th dimension, death. But even in death, spiritually they are alive to God. Now, when their bodies are resurrected then they are awaken from their sleeping, from their sleep. Please read Matthew 16, while you are still alive on this earth you could be sleeping spiritually. Then this represents the illusory world, this world will provide you entertainment, provide you with something different purpose in life rather than what God has given for you. Matthew 16:18, please read Sis. Grace. Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [Bro. Francis] Imagine church, the gates of Hades, did you know that the gates of Hades would prevail in a church that is not built upon the rock? The church that is not built upon the rock is the church that is not build upon the revelation, not build upon Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ being Berean, Jesus Christ being has this progressive ministry, eventually in this church, in this training on His apostles. Peter had this objective report from different people, before he was made to report what is correct, he was made to objectively compare, there’s no nicolaitanism in Jesus Christ, and the church that will be built upon, the church that will be built upon this a.... [Bro. Omar] Revelation [Bro. Francis] Revelation, this progressive ministry, the gates of Hades will not prevail, that means to say the church, that will no longer be built upon this progressive revelation, will have Hades prevail over them and these churches are dying churches. You have the dying churches in the book of revelation, the 7 Church Ages, let us open. Maybe in Philadelphia, maybe in Sardis, please read this, the Hades, the gates of Hades, has prevailed upon the church. Of course there are many churches localities. Independent churches, they are free to close their minds. Revelation 2, no, Revelation 3:1-2, may be you start on verse 2. Revelation 3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Revelation 3:2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. [Bro. Francis] If you have this progressive ministry vision then you could see if your churches is dying or not, you could see if your family is dying or not. You can even see it for yourself. [Sis. Grace] Ahuh [Bro. Francis] What your doing death for you or not. [Sis. Grace] Ahuh [Bro. Francis] Of course for those ultimately completely spiritually dead they could not see they’re dead. [Sis. Grace] Yeah [Bro. Francis] ‘caseif they could see, they could be afraid, they’re afraid to be thrown to the lake of fire, to would fear God in them. But if you have this progressive revelation then you could see what your doing is death. Then you could also see what your doing in your family is death, you could also see what your doing, what your neglecting in your churches causing death. And this death can overcome a church. Then this death is could be present while you’re still alive in the body. By the way we have an extension because we started late. Oh no, the time has given to us almost late, ok, I would like to comment in this text. Question via text: Souls under the altar is Revelation chapter 6 not Revelation chapter 5? [Bro. Francis] Did you read the dimension of the dead a while ago? I guess I mentioned the as what I recalled, yes, I think I mentioned Revelation 5. I am intending to mention the 5th dimension, the 5th dimension that’s where the dimension of Hades is, the dimension of the dead. Now, let’s open our Bibles to Matthew 13:33, is this the right Scripture, the dead bury their dead or John? I think this is in John. But I forgot the Scripture. You remember the Scripture for that? Ok, Jesus Christ said let the dead... [Sis. Grace] Carry their dead [Bro. Francis] Bury their dead, the dead that is burring the other dead is that the same? The first dead is dead in the body, the second dead is the dead in the body, the first dead being mentioned by Christ is dead in what? Dead... [Bro. Omar] Spiritually [Bro. Francis] Spiritually, so, while you’re alive you could be already dead, actually we are all dead, because of sin, that’s what Romans declares. But when we hear the Message of the Hour, and we accept and trust with it in our hearts and we put our lives in the line for that then we are made alive to God. And becoming alive to God that’s when the church, you as an individual, as church, you will triumph over death in Hades. Now, that’s when Hades could prevail you as a church. Then, when you say presently the death in Hades are thrown to the lake of fire. Then that dimension of the dead, dimension of ignorance towards God will be transferred somewhere else not far from the earth. In the Millennium the Bible declares, the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the earth, the sky, and the sea, shall fill the whole earth. Have you heard that Scripture? Ok, our time is almost up, and we’re gonna continue this next week, maybe we’re gonna clear out, the Great White Throne Judgment. We haven’t talked about they will be annihilated or the duration of time, the everlasting period of time. So, hopefully we’re gonna topic that next... [Bro. Omar] There is no eternal in hell [Bro. Francis] They don’t have an eternal life in hell. [Bro. Omar] That’s right [Bro. Francis] To the lake of fire, ok [Sis. Grace] Eternal damnation [Bro. Francis] Please give us a closing prayer. [Bro. Omar] Father, we thank You for a time of revelation for the body, thank You Lord for receiving the Message of the Hour for the church, allow us to grow in the faith, not only in receiving experience with works, but let us hunger for the deeper revelation of God in order for the church be perfect, in Jesus Name we pray. [Bro. Francis] For those who wish for request... [Bro. Omar] Amen [Bro. Francis] Counselling, Bible study or literature, cd’s just give us a call on 6823764, 6471971 or leave your name and number we’ll get back to you God Bless you all, hope you’ll testify this in your churches. Recorded mp3 title: (b. 29 July 2007.mp3) JULY 29, 2007 RESTORATION OF MYSTERY OF GOD DWDD 1134 KHz AM BAND SUNDAY BROADCAST TOPIC: DESTINY OF THE CHURCH PART II BROADCASTERS: BRO. FRANCIS, BRO. OMAR AND SIS. GRACE SCRIBER/TYPIST/UPLOADED/POSTED BY: Sis. Remy
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 16:23:04 +0000

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