DEVELOPING YOUR SPIRIT LIFE WE know that wisdom comes from the - TopicsExpress


DEVELOPING YOUR SPIRIT LIFE WE know that wisdom comes from the human spirit, and that Gods impartation of wisdom does not come direct to the intellect, but through the human spirit to the intellect. Millions of dollars have been spent in developing the human body, and hundreds of millions have been spent in developing the human mind; but the real man, which is the spirit, has been utterly neglected. We had thought that the only way to develop it was through religion; but when we realize that the great forces of humanity are spiritual, and that they all emanate from the spirit, then it becomes vitally important that this part of man be seriously considered. Jesus promised cooperation with our spirits after He had settled the sin problem and sat down at the right hand of the Father. John 14:16-17 is a sample of His promises, And I will make request of the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may he with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth: whom the world cannot receive; for it beholdeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: ye know Him; for He abideth with you, and shall be in you. This Spirit of truth was the Holy Spirit, and He was to come and take Jesus place after He had finished His Redemptive work. It is almost an unknown fact that the Holy Spirit does not communicate knowledge to the intellect, except in rare cases where one is so dense spiritually that He must communicate with the senses. All the knowledge that natural man has, has come through the senses. It may be necessary that the Spirit come to mans level (his senses) in order to deal with him. John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth: for he shall not speak from himself; but what things soever he shall hear, these shall he speak. This Promise was not only for the special revelation that God gave to us through the Apostle Paul, but it is for every believer. He is to guide us into the reality of the Redemptive work of Christ. All that Christ wrought in His Substitution was wrought in His Spirit. It was His Spirit that was made sin. It was His Spirit that suffered the torments of judgment on the behalf of humanity. It was His Spirit that was declared righteous. He was made alive in His Spirit. It was His Spirit Resurrection rather than His physical Resurrection that has given to humanity its Redemption. Man is so tied up with Sense Knowledge that he has only seen the physical suffering of Christ on the cross, and His physical Resurrection. It was something infinitely beyond that. It was His Spirit that was suffering for our spirits. It was His Spirit that was made Righteous for our spirits. It was His Spirit that was recreated for the recreation of our spirits. Until we know this in our spirit, there will be no great development of faith, neither will we come into the knowledge of our rights and privileges as sons of God. There can be no development of the human spirit until it receives Eternal Life, in other words, until it is recreated. We know this, because there had never been a great inventor, chemist, or scientist in any nation, until that nation received Eternal Life. This, in itself, is a staggering fact. Thinking men would be mightily moved if they knew this truth. The Holy Spirit recreates its through the Word. He imparts to us the nature of the Father, and with this impartation comes with the new kind of Wisdom. Christ is made unto us Wisdom. This is accomplished when we are recreated. It is Gods wisdom that is imparted to us in His nature, just as His love is imparted to us in His nature. I have come to believe, as I have studied the subject of the spirit, that when God imparts to us His nature, there comes with it all of the attributes of Himself. They are undeveloped, but they are there lying latent in our human spirits. There is faith that will link us up with God. There is love that will make us God-like. There is stability that will make us as stable as God; and all the other wonderful attributes that have challenged us in the man Jesus, can be reproduced in us, as we walk in the light with Him. It is necessary that we grasp the significance of the finished work of Christ; for in His finished work is the recreation of the spirit, and a revelation of the vast possibilities of entering into a fellowship with God, such as man has never yet been conscious of. Here are some facts connected with this New Creation, some of the new things that come to man through the recreation of his spirit. 2 Cor. 5:21 Him who knew no sin, God made to become sin; that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ. It was the Spirit of Christ that was made sin. It is the spirit of man that is righteous with His Righteousness. This new Righteousness that is imparted to the human spirit gives to the human spirit a sense of freedom and liberty with God that man has not had since the fall. It takes away from mans spirit the sin consciousness that has held him in slavery through the ages. Sin consciousness is not of the reasoning faculties. It does not come to us through the five senses. Sin consciousness; or conviction of sin, comes from the human spirit. It comes because the natural human spirit is not in fellowship with God. The New Birth has recreated this human spirit and imparted to it the Righteousness and nature of God so that it can fellowship with God on terms of absolute equality. No religion in the world has ever dealt with the human spirit. All religions have been connected with the Senses. This is something that makes Christianity stand out utterly distinct from other religions. To be Continued in our next post. The Hidden man.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 09:34:42 +0000

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