DEVOTION FOR TODAY Jesus said, HE WHO HAS MY COMMANDMENTS AND KEEPS THEM, IT IS HE WHO LOVES ME. AND HE WHO LOVES ME WILL BE LOVED BY MY FATHER, AND I WILL LOVE HIM AND MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM. (JOHN 14:21 *NKJV ) Dear Friends , When we lovingly obey Gods Commandments, and study His Word we begin to experience a more intimate knowledge of our Heavenly Father. It is through that knowledge that we become closer to Him as well, for it is written that if you; DRAW NEAR TO GOD AND HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO YOU. (JAMES 4:8 ) Now isnt is a pity that so many in this World today feel unloved and alone, when all they have to do is reach out to God? For it is also written; GOD IS LOVE. (1 JOHN 4:8) Why not pray for them tonight, and always tell God how much you love Him when you pray. For God has said; I LOVE THOSE WHO LOVE ME, AND THOSE WHO SEEK ME DILIGENTLY WILL FIND ME. (PROVERBS 8:17 ) So Friends, LOVE THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND. (MATTHEW 22:37 ) AND HE WILL LOVE YOU AND BLESS YOU in return. ( DEUTERONOMY 7:13 ) He will also fill you with His Great Love, a love that the World does not know. Have a wonderful day Friends, and may Gods Blessings be with you always! Amen. With My Love & Prayers, Your servant Bornface Mafwela
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 03:07:50 +0000

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