DFNU: THERE IS NO ERADICATION OF COLONIZATION IN THE WORLD WITHOUT RESOLVING JUSTLY ALSO THE ALBANIAN NATIONAL ISSUE! Directed to: UN Economic and Social Council; UN Special Committee. Ladies and gentlemen! Reaffirming the necessity of the eradication of the colonialism, the Organization of United Nations (UN), which through the Resolution 65/119 proclaimed the period between 2011-2020 as the Third Decade for the Eradication of the Colonialism, we from DFNU (Democratic Front of National Unification), legalized in Tirana and Prishtina, consider that UN must take into the examination the just resolution of the Albanian national issue. Democratic Front of the National Unification (DFNU) considers that the Albanian issue has a colonial character, as the issue of New Caledonia, Haiti, French Polynesia and West Papua, for which the Economic and Social Council of UN has recommended this year their inclusion in the list of the Non-Self-Governing Territories. We remember also to the UN Special Committee that the Albanian Nation is still living into the Slavic-Greek conquest and colonization in the Albanian territories of Eastern Kosova (under Serbia), Vardar Valley (under FYROM), Malësia e Madhe (under Montenegro), Chameria (under Greece). So, the Republic of Albania is the single state that in all its borders is neighboring with its Albanian people and with its ethnic territories; while Kosova is still within the tenebrous perspective of its state sovereignty and also of the influence and interference of Serbia in its state affairs. Ladies and gentlemen! Paraphrasing the Chairman of the Special Committee, Mister Diego Morejon – PAZMINO, it must be said that “the haunting specter of colonization must be confronted” also in the Balkans, by respecting the Right of Self-Determination and Decolonization of the Albanian People and the Albania’s territories of 28 November 1912, that we, the Albanians have called and continue to call Ethnic Albania; so, this thing for the Democratic Front of National Unification (DFNU) implicates the necessity of the organization and hold of the referendum for the creation of ethnic states in the Balkans, creating Ethnic Albania, Ethnic Greece, Ethnic Bulgaria, Ethnic Romania, Ethnic Hungary, Ethnic Serbia and, why not, also Ethnic Croatia. We remain with hope that you will take into consideration this suggestion of DFNU . Thank you for your understanding! On the behalf of the Democratic Front of National Unification (DFNU); DFNU President, Mr. Gafurr ADILI. Tirana, on 30 October 2013
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:12:07 +0000

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