DHARNA POLITICS AND OUR WOMEN. Ironically Mr. Imran Khan wishes - TopicsExpress


DHARNA POLITICS AND OUR WOMEN. Ironically Mr. Imran Khan wishes to bring us back to the medieval times. What is the role of our woman in his whole scheme of things? Does cheering to the political whims of a playboy cum politician in a perennialy prolonged sit in and then going back to her traditional role of cooking food, cleaning house, doing make up and bearing children ensure her true emancipation and much desired freedom in a man dominated society like ours? No one can deny to the right of a woman as a political worker to join a political protest and hold a sit in along with her male counterpart. But how can we endorse her usage as a political tool at the hands of a politician to meet his political ends? Does it signify in any way to be any emancipation of our woman when she is made to cheer and dance to the whims of a political leader who also struggles hard to revive and enforce the past glory of an ideology that is notoriously known to not allowing such freedoms to the womenfolk in the public? Ironically our middle class woman is seen in make up parlors, tv morning shows learning cuisines, helping house maids in cleaning house, cooking food and cheering in Imran Khans dharna. While performing all these traditional roles she thinks she is free. The fact is that she is not free and still is unable to raise herself above the status of a decoration piece and a child bearing machine. At a time when the western woman has entered the space by learning new skills, knowing science and technology and breaking out of her traditional roles imposed upon her by man made traditions, our woman is still confined to the kitchen for cooking food and cleansing utensils. Irony is that she is successfully socialized to accept these roles happily without registering any protest. Western woman is labelled as a slave if she appears in a chocolate add but our woman is deemed free when she looks forward to her husbands arrival like a decoration piece and a slave every evening at a traditional middle class Pakistani household to satisfy his sensual needs and bear him the hair of his property. We are much worried about the moral bankruptcy of the west today but never feel ashamed of ours where woman is not safe even after being buried in her grave. Ours is a society where a four year old female child is raped without any compunction. If our woman is really interested in her true emancipation and freedom, she simply needs to follow her western sister and come out of her traditional laziness and sloth, leave home and seek out a job at a factory or an office or start some business like men do in the society to make both ends meet. For this end to achieve, she needs to get higher education, learn skills and get self trust and confidence to join the mainstream and face challenges of life shoulder to shoulder of man. It is only through getting financial independence and not by joining dharnas and cheering to the whims of politicians that they may reach to their ultimate destination of a true emancipation from the cruel clutches of a patriarchal society.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 04:47:24 +0000

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