DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH!! Ketones Makeup Tutorial This - TopicsExpress


DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH!! Ketones Makeup Tutorial This month is diabetes awareness month and Im here to share a little information with you guys! Ketones are very hard to explain, but here Lex explains the basics of what they do. They break down the fat in your body for energy. Which, sounds awesome, like: Oh, Diabetes comes with its own fat burner?! :D No. Its not good. It is actually a very harmful and painful experience that I wouldnt wish upon even my mortal enemy! You dont want to eat because the very thought, smell, and and sight of food makes you physically ill. So you end up starving yourself. You dont want to drink, because again, you feel ill. But at the same time you feel extremely dehydrated and water is the only thing you can keep down anyways. Its hard to sleep, hard to think, and just hard to do anything in general. In my case, when I have ketones it gets really really hard to breathe and feels like Ive just finished running a marathon even when Ive done nothing but sit or lay there. All you can really do is stay up all night in the bathroom waiting to throw up. Or in my case, hoping that you do. This has been a little insight into ketones and diabetes in my case. :) November is Diabetes Awareness Month! Look it up, get educated, and share something with your friends. Because the first step to a cure is educated awareness. :)
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:47:27 +0000

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