DIABETES CONTROL & TREATMENT. Please work with a health - TopicsExpress


DIABETES CONTROL & TREATMENT. Please work with a health professional in the management & treatment of diabetes. Use of insulin is one of the basic ways of controlling diabetes. However, diet & lifestyle changes get to the root cause of diabetes, and overtime, could reduce the use of insulin (only in type 2 diabetes), and ultimately heal your type 2 diabetes case. We introduce the concept of hypoglycemic index in the management of diabetes. WHAT IS GLYCEMIC INDEX ? It is the measure of how fast the carbohydrate in your food triggers a rise in your blood sugar. Some foods cause big spikes in blood sugar, while others have little impact on blood sugar levels. Specifically, glycemic index measures how much a 50-gram portion of a carbohydrate raises blood sugar levels compared to pure glucose, which has a glycemic index of 100. Typically, foods that score higher than 70 are considered high-glycemic-index (GI) foods; those that score 55 and under are considered low-GI foods. Many highly refined foods, including white bread, corn flakes, and potatoes have high GI scores; unprocessed, high-fiber foods tend to have lower GI scores. We recommend eating foods with GI of less than 55 in your treatment of diabetes. BELOW ARE OUR GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS: REDUCE CONSUMPTION OF SUGAR This includes soft drinks, malt drinks, packaged fruit juices, quantity of sugar in your cereals etc. It is better to have herbal sugar substitutes, such as stavia in your cereals. I usually blend a little date into my oats or akamu instead of using sugar. CONSUME MORE BEANS Beans has soluble fiber which helps control your blood sugar level. EAT LOTS OF VEGETABLES Most vegetables have very low glycaemic index, though cooking them increase their GIs. Raw vegetables like lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers have glycemic index of less than 15. Reducing your food portion of high GIs & combining your food with such low GI raw vegetables is a very good way of fighting your diabetes. Ill recommend making raw vegetables 60% of your regular meals. EAT CONTROLLED PORTIONS OF FRUITS Spread your consumption of fruits through out the day instead of trying to eat lots of fruits at a time. Fruits such as avocado, plum, grapefruit, Apple, banana have low glycemic index. EAT THREE MEALS A DAY This helps control your blood sugar rather than subjecting it to spikes & crashes due to irregular & frequent consumption of meals. REDUCE YOUR SALT INTAKE Reduce your salt intake & change also to sea salt. EAT MORE OF LOW GI STARCHY CARBOHYDRATES. Carbohydrates that convert more slowly to blood sugar include unripe plantain, basmati rice, sweet potatoes, yam, whole grain pasta etc. Among the foods recommended for a diabetic are complex high fiber carbohydrate foods such as oats and wholegrain items like millet, sorghum etc. OTHER STUFF TO AVOID High GI foods to avoid include white rice, white bread, other white flour foods like cake, fatty foods such as butter etc., caffeine such such as tea, coffee, energy drinks etc. While we advocate you submit to & cooperate with your doctor on his prescription, several results have proven that over time you can manage your type 2 diabetes to the point where you can gradually wean yourself off medication, under the guidance of your doctor. We have a few more posts on foods & recipes that can help you fight diabetes. Good day.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 06:33:46 +0000

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