DIALOGUE WITH A WHITE LIBERALISM CONSERVATIVE Tom Hodgson (WHITE LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE) you made some rational points until you stated But one community seems to celebrate this lifestyle. And that community is not mine. I am totally convince that white liberals most times when discussing the effects of 350 years of institutional slavery in America. Suffer from a denial guilt complex, lacking sincere empathy which results from living in white skin in a white privileged society and world. White sympathizers like you ignore / deny in your dialogue the after affects of 350 years of chattel slavery of Black people for profit. In other words, a human reduced to a commodity traded and sold as a means of economic exchange. You say you would not forget if it was your group. But it was your group that enslaved other whites before the start of the North Atlantic Slave Traded, about 1555. Your fore-fathers and mothers came to America seeking Freedom from 1000 years of slavery and oppression by the European / White Elite Class (Kings, Queens, Lords, Dukes and the Church). Oh how your fore-fathers and mother soon forgot once they land on Plymouth Rock. Just say its a prime example of the slave wishing and dreaming it was the Master Owner, coming true when they land on the shores of North and South America. Now if you are a descendant from whites who moved too or landed in Canada. You are a different breed of Euro stock with more humanity than those others. Most of you either dont know or deeply dont care to know that thousands of newly Emancipated slaves, established Black Townships, became political elected Representatives( Passing the first Public Education Laws in America). But 100 years of instituted Jim Crow Laws confined the descendants of x slaves to non-citizenship not protected by the US Constitutions. White skin people hatred for Black skin people was allowed retribution on newly freed Blacks. Under the auspice of Jim Crow Laws. Destroying the immediate social advancement of x slaves into the American society. Couple with and including post -slavery first 100 years Lynch Mobs terror inflicted on newly emancipated slaves. Social lynchings of my forefathers and mothers on any given day or weekend for sport in play by Southern (some recorded in the North) white citizens. Yea thats right... 100 Years of Lynchings. read the book which officially documents conservative findings of two (2) Black men, (women and children included) lynched a week for the first 100 years following Emancipation. Totaling an estimated 5500 unprosecuted murders of Black people during the Jim Crow Era. I say and believe deportation with reparations back to Africa (As Abraham Lincoln Proposed) would have been wiser and humane for my capture forefathers and mothers descendant survivors in 1865 than the living history the result of my group present day lives now. I am personally proud to be one of millions of bloodline descendants still living in America just as you are deniable proud to be born in the skin of people with murderous and in humane past and present group inflictions on kind and darker skin people of the planet. You stated But one community seems to celebrate this lifestyle. And that community is not mine. But your community remains supportive and unforgiving of your groups historical past. Your statement is tainted with racism and ideal typical stereotype labeling of my group. Watch the documentary (if you have not) Birth of A Nation. Your statement reflects / agrees with the theme of that deplorable social-conditioning documentary.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:57:45 +0000

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