DIARY OF A FAT GIRL Tuesday, October 22, - TopicsExpress


DIARY OF A FAT GIRL Tuesday, October 22, 2013 INTENTIONAL What thoughts come to mind when you read this word, intentional? It has been in my spirit a lot in the last few weeks. For me, its about purpose. Doing things on purpose. Notice that I said doing things on purpose, not saying things or wishing things or wanting things....you see....ACTION TRIUMPHS WORDS! And when you DO something on purpose...with intention, you glean power. Its a representation in the mind of an extension beyond self and into spirit. Yeah, I know that is a little deeper than you wanted to go, but hang out here with me for a while. I have began intending my day. When I go to bed at night, I intend the night Im going to have. I meditate on what I have accomplished in the day and what I want to accomplish in my dream state. I want to commune with God as I sleep, hearing direction for my tomorrow. When I wake, I am offering intentional appreciation for this new day. I am offering intentional praise. I intend my interaction with my son and my husband. I intend my drive on the autobahn will be safe. Before I answer a phone, I recognize that this is another segment in my day and I intend my interaction with the person on the other end so that I am intentionally positive and powerful in that conversation. Ive been doing this for a while now and watching my life change drastically before my eyes. I kid you not! My son is making straight As in school. Im having almost no disagreements with my husband. My friendships are stronger and my financial situation is working itself out...all because of my intent to have this happen in my life. Now....why has it taken me so long to see that I could also intend my weight loss? Well, I can. You can! We can! We all know that hcg works, right? It works if you work it! We can start in agreement there. Well, when I find myself not losing weight, its not because my hcg stopped working. Its because I stopped working it. Sometimes my stopping is conscious, or intentional, but more often than not, it is unconscious. Unintentional. Habits that have cemented themselves in my psyche that I dont even realize have stuck there. You have experienced it before. You are driving home from work or a night out and you get home and cannot remember how you actually go there. You dont remember driving. It is as if the car drove itself! Or you are licking your fingers from some decadent food and think when did I eat all of that? You dont even remember enjoying the experience. Yes, its happened to all of us. Well, this is what I am talking about....being intentional in everything, including what I put in my mouth. So yesterday I did an experiment. I intended my day as usual, but this time offering that intention to my food eating segments, my water intake segments, my self talk segments. I intentionally ate what I know will produce weight loss. I intentionally drank my water. I intentionally spoke positivity to my inner-self to produce a positive outcome with my external self. The momentum of it all had duplicative affects. I found myself drinking more water than I needed to. I found myself eating less food because I was satisfied. THe food wasnt acting as a drug or a therapist in this intentional state. It was simply nourishment for my body. And my body knew when it had had enough. Then I found myself in the gym at 9 oclock at night. The days experience was awesome as I lay be head to rest for the evening. I again intended my dream state and knew beyond knowing that I would see a loss on the scale this morning. And sure enough! I lost .6lbs! So...I pray that you are listening and understanding the power behind purposeful action. Intentional behavior. Sometimes happy releases is about more than just weight. Release that spirit within that can guide you to success. Be on purpose. Be intentional and watch your lifes success expand. ~ The Fat Girl
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 07:12:05 +0000

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