DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT, WHY REVOLUTION IS IMPOSSIBLE IN NIGERIA Inequities and inequalities abound in the society, since society is divided along class lines. This occurs in most of the epochs or historical periods apart from the primitive communism. In the era of slavery, some are masters, others are slaves. In the era of feudalism, some are Lords, others are serfs. Under capitalism, some are bourgeoisie, others are the proletariats. At this stage, exploitation and dehumanization reach their highest levels. Therefore, the poor would overcome their false class-consciousness and become a class for itself. This involves taking a concise action, which is the proletarian revolution, where the government of bourgeoisie will be overthrown and a dictatorship of the proletariat established. This will abolish classes and restore dignity to human labour, since private property and individual ownership of the means of production will be stopped. The applicability of the above to Nigeria is very much in doubt. This is because classes cannot be said to have emerged in Nigeria. Rather, what we have are social categories based on religion and ethnicity. Those saying revolution is imminent in Nigeria never foresaw the over-riding importance of belief systems and primordial sentiments in multi-religious and multi-ethnic societies like Nigeria. Furthermore, whoever wants to lead a revolution in Nigeria would be subject to questions such as where is he from and what of his religion? All these do not give room for the desired class-consciousness, which is a basic ingredient for a revolution. Besides, many of the poor with the required organizational prowess have been absorbed in the class of oppressors as managers, spokespersons, PAs, SAs, Messengers, Secretaries, Cleaners, Security Guards and so on. Thus, the suffering of the masses continues unabated. Also, the average person in the mass lacks the education and the time and is consumed with the daily battle for survival than to form a reasonable opinion of his own whereas some are even poorly educated with low social enlightenments. Hence, any revolutionary action by such people is a wishful dream. The ruling class ideology has greatly continued to manipulate the masses making them accept their present positions. This is done through the media and sport. They make Nigerians to forget their sufferings in the hope of a better tomorrow, which is yet to come. The role of religion in brain washing Nigerians is also legendary. Few years ago, Nigerians were adjudged the happiest people on earth in a research by some foreign media in spite of unbearable sufferings and hardships. Put together, all these make the dictatorship of the proletariat impossible in Nigeria. Goodluck Umahaodoho Abuja; (lucky_2014@ymail) 08097017290
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 03:39:37 +0000

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