DID BUHARI OVERTHROWN THE THEN SHAGARI GOVT?....YES!!! But lets not overly emphasize on the did he but on the whys..... Lets see history explanation.... In 1979, the miliary handed back power to a civilian regime which shehu shagari was the president. That same regime was overthrown on charges of INEPTNESS AND CORRUPTION! A new military head of state M. Buhari was installed. How did it happen?? On dec. 31st 1983, a moral crisis in nigeria gave way to a military coupetat. In his broadcast to the nation on the REASONS for the coup, which toppled the civilian govt presided by shagari, buhari said that the army seize power in order to put an end to the serious economic predicament and crisis of confidence afflictin our nation. Corruption has attainded unprecedented height unda shagari said buhari dismissin as rigges the august election that gave shagari a second term of 4yrs. There is ample evidence that riggin and thuggery were relative to the resources available to each of the countrys new banned six political parties. Buhari added that his govt will not tolerate kick backs, manupulated contracts or over invoicin nor will it condone forgery, fraud and embezzlement. Obviously, this jona govt is known 4all dat already. Now the question is: did he or did he not kept to his words? Comparin civilian shagari regime to that of military buhari, which was beta? Which of these govt favoured the nigerian masses then? If the end indeed justifies the means, was buharis means justified? I urge u all to do ur reasearch. Find out more, get to knw y some civilians were arrested and jailed. No come here dey shout buhari did this buhari did that when u dont knw anything! Today more civilians wish military would take over once again and restore the dignity of our country. Perhaps, such cry for help was made at that time of buhari. Like i said, we need same change now and same buhari is still very much available to help bring that change! LETS HELP HIM BUILD A CLEAN NIGERIA!!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 14:52:31 +0000

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