DID SOMEBODY HURT YOU IN 2014??? PLEASE FORGIVE THEM AND MOVE ON CLEAN & CLEAR IN 2015 Because There Are Two Sayings: 1. You Either Hang Together or Hang Apart & 2. When You Seek Revenge You Dig Two Graves - So I Say Just Forgive & Forget And Move On - My name is M.c. Pressure From New York City and looking back I must say that this entire year has been more full of negativity than good (as far as the world of people is concerned) day in and day out we have seen so many different levels of evil (on and offline worldwide) through social media as well as the news that it looks like the valley of the shadow of death is just feet away from our very own front doorsteps. As an old school artist and an angel of God I took the time out (on my actual birthday) to give a messaged gift to the world, one view at a time, in hopes that it will touch those who need to listen/hear and take in this positive message of hope and share it with the many others who need it in their lives so that we may all live in a evil free world and get back to the fun ways the world use to be during the old school times. Now I am only one man BUT I know that it is a true fact that if one man can make a country hate another country then it should only take one man to make every country love the other....One man to make the entire world of people love one another....One Person At A Time ;) As you watch this video you will see that the background looks peaceful and serene HOWEVER there was actually a lot of evil, violence and nonesense happening behind the scenes...well...because...I was there and it all actually helped in me letting me express myself with the emotions through my lyrics because IT WAS ALL REAL AND HAPPENING. Long story short: When I began writing this song down in Katrina ravaged Mississippi while visiting relatives a man was killed just feet away from where I stood. I then returned to New York City and as time went on I just kept seeing more and more death and destruction happening over and over again. So on my birthday I called my video director (once my entire album was complete) and said to him Lets do this video as a gift to the world because.....wow man seems as though the devil is winning and there doesnt seem to be any God here to save our lives or souls. As we headed to Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, New York I get a call, just as I hear massive police sirens, from a friend asking me where I am at? I told him about a mile from the beach and he says Yoooooo you didnt just hear on the radio that they are having a shootout on that very same beach? Not knowing what was going on I still made my way to our video scene location and......well.......press play as I walk with you through the valley of the shadow of death......For Change.......One Person At A Time - M.c. Pressure *WORLD PREMIERE* M.c. Pressures *Walk With You* …: youtu.be/uKyfT7or6oE #HappyNewYear2015 #Share&SpreadTheWord
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 15:50:35 +0000

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