DID THE SOCIALISTS IN CONGRESS KNOWINGLY PUT A TRAITOR IN THE WHITE HOUSE? “Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the US. It is one of two official U.S. affiliates of the Socialist International. It was formed in 1982 from a merger of the Michael Harrington led Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee and the smaller New American Movement. DSA works inside the Democratic Party and has cross membership with the Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, Socialist Party USA and the Green Party USA. DSA has close ties to the radical Institute for Policy Studies, ACORN, Jobs with Justice, Congressional Progressive Caucus and publications including Dissent, The Nation and The American Prospect”. keywiki.org/Barack_Obama_and_Democratic_Socialists_of_America Back in the 50’s and 60’s we were warned about Communism. It has made great strides in the USA. The Democratic Party is now a Marxist political party. The loyalties of this group appears to be against the Constitution of the United States. Congress is now dominated by Socialist / Communist politicians. Some of the influence of the DSA can be seen here: thespeechatimeforchoosing.wordpress/2010/08/15/socialist-party-of-america-releases-the-names-of-70-democrat-members-of-congress-who-arthespeechatimeforchoosing.wordpress/2010/08/15/socialist-party-of-america-releases-the-names-of-70-democrat-members-of-congress-who-are-members-of-their-caucus/e-members-of-their-caucus/ I question the loyalties of this group? Why were they trying to change the Natural Born Citizen clause of the Constitution? Did they want somebody they knew would not qualify for the office of President? Was a man with no loyalties deliberately chosen to accomplish ???? https://youtube/watch?v=MAu23fvG1vA Yes, I can hear you screaming “conspiracy theory” from here. Then consider why they left this out “- and that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution.” canadafreepress/index.php/article/14583 WHAT did these Democratic Socialists know, and WHEN did they know it? They knew ahead of time NBC needed to be trashed. It has nothing to do with where he was born, but that his father was not a citizen. These liars manipulated your perception of NBC. You can see it here: freedomoutpost/2013/01/what-our-framers-knew-the-constitution-vattel-and-natural-born-citizen/ To add insult to injury, the lie grew. In 2011 Obama had to release proof of his citizenship status. A duly authorized law enforcement agency has declared it a forgery. See their findings: https://youtube/watch?v=PwDqXFCy0Bo This group of people have gained so much power they can disregard the Constitution with impunity. They have spent the past three years keeping 90% of Americans ignorant of a forged birth certificate. They wielded the IRS as a dagger at political opponents. Given guns to drug cartels and terrorists, and covering it up. Let Americans die in Benghazi and are covering it up. Apparently put a man in the White House that has no loyalties of a Natural Born Citizen. Ramming healthcare down our throats like dictators. Out to take guns from every American. I have worried myself that I have been a little too “conspiracy theory”, but not anymore. I am beginning to understand why people left Germany in the 1930’s. The thug tactics against the Tea Party. The shaming of Americans to be able to defend themselves, the purging of the military leaders, asking if they will shoot at American citizens. The continual buildup of unpatriotic debt until the bankruptcy, that even if these socialists are voted out, will ruin us. I shudder to think where we would be if the Tea Party hadn’t shown up in 2010? No wonder the communist Democratic Party screams republican obstructionism, it delayed revolution (AKA Fundamental Transformation). They have the Senate, the Presidency, about one Justice away from the Judicial, and one more election cycle to steal and we are a communist nation. They have the money to fund all the corruption they need to steal the next elections. Have a happy 4th of July weekend.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 06:20:39 +0000

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