DID THE SUPREME COURT JUST GIVE LIBERALS/PROGRESSIVES PERMISSION TO HARASS PEOPLE WE FEEL ARE OUT OF STEP WITH WHAT IS GOOD AND RIGHT FOR OUR SOCIETY? If so it is incumbent upon liberals to take this newfound freedom and put it to good use. There are scores of locations where we could be exercising our freedom of speech by getting into the faces of employees, customers, and executives of businesses, corporations, and organizations that pollute, exploit, discriminate, or otherwise undermine our society. For example, we can create pamphlets with stories of swindled homeowners who have had their mortgages foreclosed under shady circumstances. Pepper these pamphlets with pictures of now-homeless families in front of their foreclosed homes. Next, we can start campaigns to take turns in front of the big banks that were responsible for the subprime mortgage rip offs, handing out pamphlets to customers and employers. Remember, we can follow them closely as they walk into the bank, right up to the door, talking to them the whole time about how their choice to do business at these banks contributes to the huge government bailouts that already happened and are likely to occur again according to experts. The Koch brothers sell a lot of products in stores. Protesters could briefly station themselves outside grocery stores with literature about all of the ways the Koch brothers businesses harm the environment, giving people a list of products to avoid such as Georgia-Pacific paper products. Remember, you do not have to keep your distance. Freedom of speech allows you to walk right alongside people, talking to or shouting at them as they try to go about their business trying to walk into the store. This also works for Wal-Mart or other low-wage businesses. Stand outside on the sidewalk with signs and literature telling people that by shopping there they are contributing to the lowering of wages for the whole country. This is a new right, so we have to use our imagination and remember to find out the parameters of our freedom. Sidewalks and other public locations are the only limitations to the harassment zone. Worried about backlash to your cause? Anti-choice protesters never seem to worry about that. They are convinced their methods work. Maybe they do. Maybe it is worth an experiment to test the waters and see if this “in-your-face” method of protesting has results after all? Thanks for the ideas Deborah Foster.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 01:58:49 +0000

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