DID YOU GUYS KNOW???? THIS EASTER EGG HAS BEEN GOING ON IN TWD FOR 5 SEAONS....DID YOU NOTICE IT? ~Tami ~#RICKSCHICKS Greg Nicotero discussed the recurring use of watches and clocks and clocks on the show. As eagle-eyed viewers of Season 5, Episode 1 may have noticed, Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) uses Hershel Greene’s (Scott Wilson) watch chain to make a shiv in effort to escape the Terminus train car. “He’s using Hershel’s watch with the chain,” Greg explains (via Comicbook). “And then when he leaves, Maggie gets it, so of course if you see Maggie has the chain with the watch. And of course the time is 5:01 on the watch, because that was episode 501.” He continues, “If you look at any of the stuff in the show…even when Carol picks up Rick’s watch off the table, it says 5:01. Every episode that we shoot we adjust the time on the watches and the clocks to whatever episode it is we’re shooting.” SEASON ONE In Season one, the group questions what the point of Dale still winding his watch is, considering time no longer really matters. Dale then drops this paraphrased William Faulkner quote on us: I like what, um, a father said to son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said, I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine or my fathers before me; I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment now and then and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it. Wow, if you remember this theme of time being loss and dissolution while watching the rest of the series youll soon realize this quote was actually pretty apt SEASON TWO: Times are changing Hershel gives Glenn his pocket watch, which is a family heirloom, symbolizing his acceptance of Glenn into the family: No man is good enough for your little girl...Until one is. The pocket watch was given to Hershel by his father, whose own father had passed it to him. He had kept the watch until he pawned it to pay for his drinking habit. His wife bought it back and waited until he sobered up to give it back. SEASON THREE: The timer went off! This one is quite nice! After Glenn is given the pocket watch it helps him later understands why Hershel gave it to him, and tells Hershel that he wants to marry Maggie. Hershel gives Glenn his blessing and Glenn cuts the finger off a walker to get a nice wedding ring for Maggie. True love. Its also worth noting that since Season three, Steven Yuens name has appeared alongside the pocket watch in the opening credit sequence SEASON FOUR: Time to go Just before Carol is exiled, she gives Rick the watch that her dead husband gave her, to replace Ricks fathers watch which he had let Sam borrow (the blond, hippy guy who we didnt see for the remainder of the season). Giving the watch to Rick just before she was to leave the group was not only a nice gesture but symbolic of her cutting all ties with her former self (the woman who was so scared to be alone she stayed with an abusive husband) and with the old world, shes now in a place where time doesnt matter. As the Glenn flees the prison in the second half of Season four, he makes sure to take Hershels pocket watch with him, one of the only items any of the group bothers to grab before running.. SEASON 5 PROMO Look at the Season 5 Promo picture in the picture section below. See the chain in Ricks hand in the Season five promo poster? Thats Hershels pocket watch making another appearance. SEASON FIVE: Time heals all wounds At the very start of episode one we see Rick using a chain to carve a shiv. Greg Nicotero explained: He’s using Hershel’s watch with the chain...And then when he leaves, Maggie gets it, so of course if you see, Maggie has the chain with the watch. And of course the time is 5:01 on the watch, because that was episode 501......So if you look at any of the stuff in the show…even when Carol picks up Rick’s watch off the table, it says 5:01. Every episode that we shoot we adjust the time on the watches and the clocks to whatever episode it is we’re shooting. Yep, and the theme continued in episode one, with Carol finding Ricks fathers watch in a pile of stolen belongings which the Termites had probably taken from Sam, who we saw killed in episode one. In episode two of Season 5 we finally see Rick reunited with his newly found watch. Rick offers Carol back her watch in return, however she refuses to take it, reaffirming that the old Carol is gone. Safe to say that after seeing all this evidence, my eyes will be peeled for any more clocks, watches, calendars, sundials or anything else that might be Nicotero and those sneaky creators slipping in any more timely Easter Eggs. What do you think of The Walking Dead time references? Tell me in the comments below! Did you ever notice that all clocks and watches within a given episode of TWD correspond to that episode’s number? Share your own thoughts and theories with us below! ~Tami ~Facebook/RicksChicksTheWalkingDead
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:40:06 +0000

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