DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS PLANT, CARISSA EDULIS? (SYNONYMOUS-CARISSA SPINARUM)…..IT WAS/IS USED BY BABU WA KIKOMBE TO PREPARE MIRACLE CURE! Description “Carissa edulis is a much branched spiny evergreen shrub or small tree, usually multi-stemmed, often scrambling up to 6 m tall and forming a dense canopy. All parts of the plant release white non-toxic milky latex”.(source-South African National Biodiversity Institutes plant information website plantzafrica) “Conkerberries (fruits produced by this shrub) are edible, but only when fully ripe; they have a sweet flavour, but the milky sap of this plant – and its unripe fruit – is poisonous, as typical for the Apocynaceae”.(source-Wikipedia) Young branches are green, smoothly covered with short hair, but older branches and stem become light brown and corky with deep cracks. The leaves are simple and opposite, leathery, dark green above and paler below, with or without hair; and leaf base is shallowly lobed; margins are smooth; leaf stalk up to 5 mm long.”(Source- source-South African National Biodiversity Institutes plant information website plantzafrica) Habitat It occurs in bushveld, often in riverine vegetation or on termite mounds,and common in deciduous to evergreen woodland; it is partial to granite soil. Distribution From Senegal and East Africa in the north to Mpumalanga and Limpopo in the south. Also in Asia to India and Thailand, and on some Indian Ocean islands. Uses and cultural aspects For many years in the past, “parts of the plant are used medicinally for joint and muscle pain by the Maasai people of Kenya.” (Source-Wikipedia) “In most of the African countries where the plant grows, for many years, people have traditionally been using decoctions of roots as pain killer and to treat malaria. Taken warm and in small quantity it is also used for indigestion and for abnormal pains during pregnancy. The fruits help in the treatment of dysentery. The powdered root is used as a remedy for chest complaints. An infusion made from the roots is drunk to ease stomach ache, as a cough remedy or is dropped into the eye for cataract problems. Roots contain carissin that can be used to treat cancer. It has been successful in treating Herpes simplex virus”.(Source-South African National Biodiversity Institutes plant information website plantzafrica) In Tanzania Carissa edulis have been used by retired Pastor Ambikile Mwasapile to administer “miracle cure” to people suffering from chronic diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Cancer, T.B. Diabetes mellitus e.tc. Although the plant is not a new in traditional use, but with Mwasapile’s treatment methodologies the medication works and cure people who strongly believe in its potency and efficacy. The retired Pastor provided this controversial spiritual-cum-traditional treatment to thousands of sick people from Tanzania and neighboring countries by administering a cupful of concoction made from Carissa edulis. Cheers!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:45:53 +0000

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