DID YOU KNOW? BROUGHT TO YOU BY ADVOCACY & EDUCATION ~SK~ Our focus rescue for January is advocates4animals/ January 10th is Save the Eagles Day. Save the Eagles Day is a day to appreciate our national symbol and remember that our famous bird, while it has made an incredible recovery from near extinction, is still an species that needs our help. Unfortunately, the sight of a bald eagle is a rare sight in many parts of the country nowadays and more needs to be done to restore the habitable range of this magnificent species. Today is a celebration day for America’s national bird, the Bald Eagle. “Save the Eagles Day” was started several years ago to raise consciousness when the eagle was facing extinction. Due to the diligent work of scientists and stewards of public and private lands, in June 2007, the Bald Eagle was removed from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. The eagle has been recognized as a symbol of power, courage, freedom, and immortality since primeval times. Some religions believe that a high-soaring eagle touches the face of God. Eagles have a long life, great strength, and majestic looks, and it is for this reason the United States chose the Bald Eagle as their national bird. To honor “Save the Eagles Day,” we can look forward to protecting eagles and the habitat of this majestic bird. Consider donating to a wildlife sanctuary or writing to your government officials to support environmental protection of waterways; this might help save the eagles. Plant a tree or two in your yard and maintain them, or donate one to your local park so eagles will have places to perch. - See more at: clericalplusva.net/january-10-save-the-eagles-day/#sthash.hJBVrjv2.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 19:30:00 +0000

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