DID YOU KNOW... BURGESS MEREDITH, THE ORIGINAL BATMANS NEMISIS THE PENGUIN AND ROCKY BALBOAS WISECRACKING COACH MICKEY GOLDMILL, DIED OF COMPLICATIONS FROM ALZHEIMERS DISEASE? Burgess Meredith, was widely known for his roles in the BATMAN TV series and the film ROCKY, yet those were roles that renewed interest in an actor whos career began in 1930. Over a period of six decades Meredith acted in dozens of films, had an active TV career that included four different roles on the original TWIGHLIGHT ZONE series and kept active with acting roles, video game and commercial voiceover work into his 80s. Married four times (including screed legend Paulette Goddard), the last which lasted forty-seven years, a father of two, and a World War II veteran, Meredith also suffered from Alzheimers Disease. When our Caregivers bring their loved ones to Care Club, we hear qualifying comments like He was the CEO of ..., She graduated from Harvard with a degree in..., He read three books a week... or She successfully raised three children on her own... as if those very notable successes somehow should have exempted that individual from being afflicted with Alzheimers Disease or other memory disorders. The truth is, all of these afflictions are equal opportunity offenders. They dont care about your education, your job title, the number of children you parented, your religious affiliation, race or whether you acted in OF MICE AND MEN, THE CLASH OF THE TITANS and as the PENGUIN, one of the first comic book villains. Whatever their background, at Care Club we care about who our Clients are now. We value each and every one based on where they are at, not what they have done. Further, we salute all Caregivers caring for individuals afflicted with Alzheimers Disease, dementia or other memory disorders. You are our heroes!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 11:00:00 +0000

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