【DID YOU KNOW ITALY EATS HORSE MEAT MOST IN EUROPE!!!!! 】 Horses are bought mostly from Poland and they travel (alive) to Puglia, the region that is the biggest consumer just right in the south! PLEASE SIGN & SHARE THE 5 PETITIONS BELOW!!! ❶https://change.org/p/ministero-della-salute-vietare-la-macellazione-dei-cavalli ❷thepetitionsite/216/288/342/say-no-to-horse-meat/ ❸gopetition/petitions/stophorseslaughter.html ❹hillside.us2.list-manage1/subscribe?u=4c95cca2af7aa16d5d44b5a9e&id=be8ef93a0d ❺ratujkonie.pl/savehorses/index.php?l=gb# (If you click on Click Here link at the bottom, automatic email form appeares. You just put you name and just SEND!) READ: occupyforanimals.org/horse.html, habitatforhorses.org/kazakhstan-one-of-main-world-suppliers-of-horse-meat/ (How much horse meat are consumed in the world) Figures from 2010 showed Mexico as the top producer of horsemeat for that year with 140,000 tons, followed by China (126,000 tons) and Kazakhstan (114,000 tons). Although horsemeat is still consumed in these countries, much of it is processed for export to Europe and Central Asia. In Japan, a popular horsemeat dish called basashi is served raw, sashimi style. In both Kazakhstan and South Korea, fat from the neck meat is prized for its flavor. Belgium, France, and Germany all have long and unapologetic roots in equine cuisine, and sauerbraten was originally prepared using horse. The meat is a staple in many Northern Italian and Sicilian preparations, and is incorporated into sausages and salamis, or served dried and shredded for a snack called sfilacci, which looks like a plate of deep red vermicelli. The Dutch and Swedish prefer it sliced thin for lunchmeat. South Americans generally shy away from eating it, but several countries, including Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, all process the meat for export. Many Canadians feel the same way about horsemeat as Americans, but horse abattoirs still operate there and it’s very popular in Quebec, where you can find it in supermarkets, and other French-influenced regions.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 18:27:44 +0000

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