DID YOU KNOW? In the early part of this month, you might have - TopicsExpress


DID YOU KNOW? In the early part of this month, you might have seen some perfectly edible-looking food at the roadside, and may have very well wondered who it was for. You see, the Chinese have a custom called the Hungry Ghost Month, during which it is believed that the Gates of Hell are opened, in order for spirits to pay a visit to earth, see their long-lost relatives, and of course, enjoy the taste of real food. The food is meant as an offering for these hungry spirits, who have not had a proper meal in months! Legend has it that this tradition started in the time of the Buddha with a monk named Maudgalyayana (his name in itself being a tongue twister), who was one of the best students of Buddha. Unlike your ordinary human being (or Buddhist monk for that matter), Maudgalyayana (lets just call him by his Chinese name, Mulian) possessed what we call a Sixth Sense, which enabled him to see things the naked eye cannot normally see. (i.e. ghosts, alternate dimensions, etc) He was also able to travel between the human world and the spirit world, hence making him one of the most powerful monks. One day, Mulian became curious about the whereabouts of his deceased parents, and decided to use his sixth sense to track them down. He was shocked by what he found - His mothers soul was in Hell, as punishment for leading a less than honorable life. She was starving too, so he quickly brought her a bowl of rice, which she tried to eat, but was unable to as the moment it touched her tongue, it disintegrated into hot ash. His mothers suffering greatly distressed him, for he was a good son. He reported what he saw the the Buddha, who replied, Your mothers punishment is a direct consequence of her actions in life, but there is a way you can help her. Prepare a large quantity of food, and put it up as an offering to all the hungry ghosts out there. By performing this act of merit, you would be making amends for your mothers sins, and she will then eventually be reincarnated. So Mulian did as instructed, and his mother was reincarnated as a dog in a rich family. The hungry ghost month retains this tradition of feeding hungry spirits to create good karma. The legend of the Hungry Ghost Months origins, however, remains a well-known story among Buddhists, and reflects just how seriously Asian people take filial piety.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:45:10 +0000

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