DID YOU KNOW : Marijuana Info Insects and pests in the indoor - TopicsExpress


DID YOU KNOW : Marijuana Info Insects and pests in the indoor marijuana garden are a common and very frustrating nuisance that can lead to destructive results in any soil or soil-less garden. For all of the Hydro Growers out there, Youre safe from the risk of any soil based infestation. One very common treatment/solution to a infestation are chemical sprays and solutions. However chemical solutions have serious and obvious drawbacks so many growers search for an alternative, natural form of pest control. One lesser known solution is to use predatory insects known as Nematodes. There are a variety of suitable nematodes which are very capable and efficient when it comes to decimating a pest issue. On average many Nematodes range from 0.25mm uo to 2.5mm in size and carry out their life cycle in the soil of plants. Nematodes are usually purchased at grow supply shops and arrive in either a sponge or compressed cube, The nematodes are then introduced into the soil and the process begins. In short order the nematodes begin attacking soil born pests by burrowing though the pests body orifices or even directly through the sides of the body. Once there the nematodes begin feeding and laying eggs, As the nematodes feed toxins are released into the pest leading to essentially blood poisoning As the pest dies it becomes an incubator and food source for the next generation of nematode larvae. This process happens very quickly resulting in a rapid decimation of the pest infestation. Shortly the nematodes will greatly outnumber the remaining pests, This results is the remaining pest population becoming nothing more than an ongoing food source for the nematodes. The use of Nematodes is a great natural self renewing method of pest control for the indoor soil grower. There are a variety of nematodes which feed on a variety of pests so it is a good idea to ask or research about using the correct type of nematodes to combat specific pests. One word of caution though, In rare instances the overpopulation of nematodes can lead to root damage. If any negative signs are observed in the garden due to nematodes there is a simple solution, Drenching the soil with a solution of 1 tbs of molasses per gallon of water. This will kill off the majority of the nematodes if not all, Preventing any further damage. When shopping for nematodes at a grow supply shop it may be necessary to ask an employee as the nematodes must be refrigerated so they may not be in a obvious location such as a store shelf. Evolutiongrowled
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 17:34:47 +0000

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