DID YOU KNOW??? The Central Banking Cartel (what is now the - TopicsExpress


DID YOU KNOW??? The Central Banking Cartel (what is now the Federal Reserve) MURDERED our President (Lincoln) for DARING to print money (The Greenback-backed by Gold) which they could not control, thus depriving them of their perceived right to OWN and CHEAT the free and SOVEREIGN people of the united states of America? Did you know that whenever you use THEIR Dollars/Federal Reserve Notes that it creates a Contract or Bond via Maritime/Admiralty Law by which they place a lien not only on whatever you purchase but upon your PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL PERSON? And did you know that YOU YOURSELF, by using THEIR notes, then become the PHYSICAL COLLATERAL on the debt created by your purchase which makes you a VERY REAL type of Slave which the Central Bankers (Read: ROTHSCHILDS) CLAIM TO OWN? YOU ARE THEIR PROPERTY! IF you think this sounds crazy, it is because IT IS crazy and must be resolved immediately because if you study the law you will find that it is VERY REAL AND VERY TRUE. It is almost as if DOLLARS actually are THE MARK OF THE BEAST on your hand (by physical exchange) and on your forehead (The Third Eye Seal and because all most people THINK about is money problems), the Federal Reserve Notes/Dollars are a MARK/ or BRAND OF OWNERSHIP without which none can buy or sell. Please Join and Share this Event: https://facebook/events/1472227232991123/ Maybe its time to print our own currency again? Can anyone say LIGHTCOIN? rahulsinghbuttar/lightcoin.htm
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:44:04 +0000

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