DID YOU WRITE LETTERS TO THE MALAWI GOVERNMENT? I WROTE LETTERS FOR TWO WEEKS, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK, 8 HOURS A DAY. *** g72 11/22 p. 29 Watching the World *** MALAWI PERSECUTION OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSESS eight were murdered because of their faith. savage violence was again unleashed against the Witnesses; their homes were destroyed, they were beaten and over a thousand of their wives and daughters were raped. In the Mzimba district seven homes were burned and the Witnesses were beaten or tortured. Four children died at Mtundu Village and the same number at Lusanga Village, because of their not being permitted entrance to hospitals. Thousands left homeless, hundreds of women and children tortured and raped. Hundreds of fathers and husbands killed. All because they refused to buy a 25 cent card. WHY DO JEHOVAH’S WITNESS REFUSE TO BUY THE PARTY CARD? Because they are absolutely neutral towards all political movements. “They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.”—John 17:16. NEWS-FLASH YEARS LATER • Stephen Bates, religious affairs correspondent • • The Guardian, Monday 8 October 2001 18.42 EDT The UN itself admitted yesterday that it was surprised that the sect, whose formal name is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, had been accepted on its list of non-governmental organizations for the last 10 years. Thousands of Jehovahs Witnessess died, were tortured, and raped in Malawi because the Watchtower convinced its members that buying a 25 cent card was wrong in Jehovahs eyes. WHATS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? DO YOU STILL BELIEVE THE WATCHTOWER IS THE EXCLUSIVE RELIGION GOD IS USING TO DECLARE HIS PURPOSE? DO YOU STILL BELIEVE YOU SHOULD BE GOING TO THEIR MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONS. DO YOU STILL BELIEVE YOU SHOULD HELP THEM SPREAD THEIR MESSAGE IN THE WITNESSING WORK?
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:03:23 +0000

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