DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BAGANDA AND BAKIGA WOMEN WHEN IT COMES TO PREGNANCY. By Divine Marley The muganda will quit her job just after three months. she will crave for all things sijui today I the baby wants chicken tonight, tonight I feel like eating bathing soap, today i feel like eating our blanket. her family will kutijissa her as if she is the first and last woman to get pregnant. her mom will migrate to ur house and begin doing all the jobs from cleaning the house to taking her to the toilet to washing her ud think she is a the baby her self. Around the eighth month ho she bkams a problem mbu switty the baby kicked I think he will be a footballer, or he will a strike activist like lukyamuzzi. the 9 month she tells you she is tired and wants to go and stay in the hospital just in case the baby wisecks and comes early. she will take as many pep scans as money can afford. she will take like 2days just pushing and five months healing. etc The mukyiga woman. she will continue digging the garden till the 9 months. then one day out of the blue she just calls you saying. hati kyakabare, I think the baby is comming. hati kumanyoko yawwe bring me the scissors . then she does uhm uhm then she comes back to the phone and says. okay the baby is here. iv used the panga to cut the umblical. iv put our baby on the sack of sweet potatoes. he is still now sleeping. let finish digging I will come. I think we should name him tumuhimbise bkoz he has ur nose. goodbye. let me first finish digging here. bye love Story Source: Divine Marley
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 09:34:04 +0000

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