DIMINISH STRETCH MARKS! INGREDIENTS 4 teaspoons nescafe coffee, - TopicsExpress


DIMINISH STRETCH MARKS! INGREDIENTS 4 teaspoons nescafe coffee, or brand you prefer 1 cup coconut oil Directions: 1 Brew coffee as you normally do. 2 Add the brewed coffee to the coconut oil. 3 Bring to a boil. 4 Remove from heat. 5 Allow to cool. 6 Rub this every night before going to sleep over your stretch marks. 7 This when done regularly will lighten the stretch marks and make them less visible. DISMINUYA LAS ESTRIAS INGREDIENTES 4 cucharaditas de cafe soluble 1 taza de aceite de coco DIRECCIONES 1. Calienta el cafe como normalmente lo haces 2 agrega el cafe caliente al aceite de coco 3 Hiervelos juntos 5 Dejalos enfriar 6 Aplicatelos en tus estrias antes de dormir y dejalos hasta el amanecer :) Si haces esto regularmente tus estrias se van a disminuir
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 23:18:13 +0000

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