DINNER TIME FOR OUR PUPPIES LAST NIGHT AT MILENAS - all so happy to have a good meal - and a warm bed - no longer scared and hungry on the streets of Sarajevo - where the dogs catchers could get them NOW SAFE WITH MILENA THEY URGENTLY NEED YOUR HELP!!! - our puppies now need vaccinations, flea/tick treatment and special puppy food - costs €50 vaccinations/papers for one puppy - food costs €40 for 5kg bag of special puppy food - flea/tick and worming treatment €15 per puppy ******** TO DONATE TOWARDS THEIR COSTS********* via paypal to: milena.malesevic@hotmail or pm the page for banking details OUR PUPPIES ALSO URGENTLY NEED ADOPTERS!!! ***WHAT BOSNIAN PUPS & DOGS FACE DAILY: - dumped in the streets as a tiny pup alone - hit by a car & left in agony - sick and starving lying weak & helpless - crying in loneliness and pain living in garbage - beaten & kicked nervous and terrified of men - suffering terribly from mange & demodex living on a hillside where there is no food at all eating rubbish - poisoned food laced with nails - a painful terrible death from parvo or distemper - dog catchers paid to take them to a cruel death - who even steal owners dogs from their gardens - snatched to be a bait dog tied so no way to fight back while they are ripped to pieces - ignored by everyone who walks past oblivious to their terrible pain, sadness and suffering - if they are lucky they may make it to 1 or 2 years --------------------------------------------- Milena is an angel to these poor Bosnian street dogs, and without her many would already be dead; victims of beatings, torture, poison, starvation, disease and the cold, unforgiving Balkans winters. - she feeds over 100 local starving street dogs - for over 20 years she has been working day in day out - to save the most urgent & desperate & vulnerable - she is constantly arranging urgent vet treatments - for serious illnesses, abuse and accidents - and needs help to pay for vet bills, kennels/food.... - she also arranges adoptions worldwide - over 500 in the last 4 years - in addition to starving, hit & runs, disease & abuse dogs face shooting, stoning, poisoning, being used as bait dogs.. VIDEOS about MILENAS LIFESAVING WORK: youtube/watch?v=KOux43MfUhQ youtube/watch?v=PBo_U0ZAQeY&feature=em-upload_owner#action=share youtube/watch?v=EyzHJ7k_0qY&feature=share RECENTLY ADOPTED DOGS!: https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.121632011310274.20753.108269329313209&type=3 GROUP for Milenas SAVING SUFFERING STRAYS: https://facebook/groups/461831467242698/?fref=t MILENAS ongoing AUCTION PAGE - bid & donate items!! https://facebook/groups/SSSSauction/?fref=ts MILENAS PAGE SAVING SUFFERING STRAYS SARAJEVO: https://facebook/SavingSufferingStraysSarajevo Lone rescuer Milena Malesevic feeds over 150 desperate street dogs in Sarajevo Bosnia - for over 20 years she has been caring for the sick & injured & arranging rescue & adoptions where possible (over 300 in last 4 years). Dogs face indifference, rejection, hatred, starvation, abuse, car hit and runs, poisoning, shootings & freezing Bosnian winters. Killings in Bosnia are also increasing.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 12:14:48 +0000

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