DIPLOMA OF YOUTH WORK CHC51408 YOUR EXPERIENCE CAN MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE! When we are damaged and broken we are especially beautiful. Never be ashamed of your scars. They define your character and are proof that you have made it through the refining process intact, possibly more complete than you were before you entered the fire! Does this resonate with you? I know it does with me! Having been through some abusive situations in my younger years, I have learned to allow those experiences to teach me. In turn, I have had the pleasure of helping my own kids (in the pic) and lots of their friends to get through some tough times. My past has now become useful! I’m not scared of it anymore!! If you could, would you? If you had the opportunity to turn your own painful past into a rewarding future, would you? Have you thought about getting a Nationally Recognized Diploma in Youth Work? There is now an opportunity to complete this 18 month diploma without having to worry about the upfront costs. This is possible through a Government Scheme called Vet Fee Help and is available to Australian Citizens and Humanitarian Visa Holders. You can now study this 18 month Diploma Course from home or on campus (campus depends on location) or even a mix of both (flexible) YOU’LL LEARN TO: Develop programs and services for young people Support young people in crisis Advocate for young people Network with other agencies Work in a culturally diverse environment Work within an ethical framework JOB READY SKILLS As your passion for learning evolves, the course give you the confidence, experience and practical knowledge you need to achieve more than you ever imagined. The courses are specifically designed around employability skills, giving you a wealth of practical real-world skills which will help you become “job ready.” Employability skills are a national standard that looks at the skills you need, not only to get a job, but to progress through the ranks and get the promotions you deserve. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Coordinator youth and family services Youth Worker Program Manager Case Manager Team Leader YOUTH WORK: ITS NOT JUST A JOB IT’S A MISSION FOR A FREE INFORMATION PACK CONTACT SHARON. [email protected] Or text “kids” to 0466 526 450 and I will call you back The above course is conducted through RTO provider: RTO#VET: 7039 I am not an RTO, JSA, JSP, DES, or AAC provider but provides a link to these organizations and assists people to find a successful career path!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:20:35 +0000

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