DIRECT ACCESS to the FRONT of HOME DENIED. Is it GREED or RACIAL ANIMUS? My family is being singled out, and treated in a differential manner, discriminated against as a class of one. My family’s home site bears the remnants of badges of Slavery – forced to enter the BACK of the home and all services rendered at the BACK of the home, as though residents are of a subservient class, and not deserving of the privileges and rights given to all others who are similarly situated. Compare the Thirteenth Amendment Section Two, which states that Congress is empowered to legislate “badges and incidents of slavery. ”This article cited below concludes with “that the best understanding of the “badges and incidents of slavery” refers to public or widespread private action, aimed at any racial group or population that has previously been held in slavery or servitude, that mimics the law of slavery and has significant potential to lead to the de facto re-enslavement or legal subjugation of the targeted group. Notes on 13th Amendment Infringements Defining the Badges and Incidents of Slavery Jennifer Mason Mcaward Notre Dame Law School August 27, 2010 (Subjugation, meaning suppression, containment, confinement and/or a subservient or subordinate place. ) Someone working on behalf of Mr. Harless and MKH Properties, with what appears to be implied authority from the City of Satsuma installed the permanent obstruction, of a six-foot high wooden fence that was erected all the way around the homes on Hildreth Drive. This obstruction prevented access to the front of these homes on this roadway. This six-foot high wooden fence was erected, with posts in the ground all the way across the roadway of Hildreth Drive. My family and the other African American residents endured the following events during the construction of the Gilbert Creek Estates in Satsuma, Alabama. 1) a truck was deliberately put across the road, blocking and denying access to the U. S. mail delivery and the homes on this roadway 2) stakes (the type used for hurricane fencing) were put in the road, blocking and denying access to the U. S. mail delivery and the homes on this roadway 3) a pile of dirt in the road, blocking and denying access to the U. S. mail delivery and the homes on this roadway. The City of Satsuma, the local governing authority, allowed this barricaded/obstruction to stand, and told members of the Johnson family that if they called again, they would be arrested (intimidation/reprisal). The City of Satsuma, the local governing authority, permitted someone working in connection with Mr. Harless/MKH Properties to cut an opening BEHIND our home, from Powers Road, as THE means of access the homes on this dedicated roadway - from the BACK. (Compare to others who are similarly situated and the Thirteenth Amendments and “badges and or remnants of Slavery). One of the family members, Shirley Johnson-Young, was arrested and charged with Criminal Mischief for removing the obstruction the barricaded the entry to the FRONT of the homes on Hildreth Drive , and for cutting a section of fence, which Mr. Harless stated openly in the U. S. Federal Court, that he deeded to the Johnson family. Apply threat of reprisal.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 01:29:05 +0000

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