DISAPPOINTING OSHER AD EXPERIENCE - NOW THATS A NEW ONE Underwhelmed. Thats the best way to describe my post-Pesach Osher Ad shopping experience. The truth is that Ive noticed Osher Ad prices begin to slowly rise, and the quality of their fresh produce decline, for some time now, but I hoped it was temporary. It seems not, and todays visit was hardly worth the effort at all. Yes, OA continues to stock selected Kirkland products, and they still flog their special prices on bulk buy Ocean Spray cranberries, Nature Valley granola bars, and Skippy peanut butter. However, all their other deals are on obscure brands you wouldnt really choose to buy, and thats a definite change for the worse. I was prepared to put up with the lack of a cheese counter, the limited range, and the cashier who regularly lies asleep with her head on the till and has to be nudged awake to ring up my purchases - true story - but only if I believed I was getting real value. Unfortunately, I am no longer convinced I am. New brooms supposedly sweep clean but it seems that, 9 months after they opened, Osher Ads bristles are looking a little thin. Theyll need to brush up their act to retain my custom.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:38:08 +0000

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