DISCLAIMER: I dont agree or with everything in the article, but I - TopicsExpress


DISCLAIMER: I dont agree or with everything in the article, but I believe, from personal experience, that the topic of proper skin care is very important. The gentleman in the video obviously does not realize (like most people) that the skin is the largest elimination organ on the outside of the body and excretes 1-2 lbs of fecal material or toxins everyday...at least it tries to. The problem is not necessarily the soap as it is the method. Proper dry or wet skin brushing is the key to freeing the skin pores of the old dry dead skin cells and the built up elimination therefore freeing the skin to eliminate those massive built up toxins. Pimples or break out of the skin is a very good sign that the body is having problems (not everyones issue is pimples, but the problem manifests itself other ways) , just like sickness breaks out when the body is under too much pressure from toxic overload. Using a very good, and stiff skin brush made from vegetable fibers such as, my favorite vitacost/yerba-prima-tampico-skin-brush?srccode=cii_328768002&cpncode=35-126217577-2&csrc=PPCBPA-[sku] at least 3 times a week (I prefer everyday since my skin works for me everyday) will go a long ways in freeing your system. On that note, the only reason for deodorant or need for it is that the body stinks from the inside out (NOT FROM THE OUTSIDE IN) because of the above mentioned. If you want to get rid of the symptom, get rid of the problem rather than just mask it. I havent had to use deodorant or perfumes to cover up smell in years because the problem is no longer there! You can find a lot of instruction videos on Youtube and Ive attached one as follows, but feel free to explore others and their experiences: bing/videos/search?q=proper+dry+skin+brushing+techniques&FORM=VIRE5#view=detail&mid=8D28B871E7A9E5ECFB8C8D28B871E7A9E5ECFB8C One final note is on soap. Your skin in not only an elimination organ, but everything you put on soaks in and accumulates in the organs. Proof? Trans dermal patches such as birth control, stop smoking patches, pain patches, etc.. So the soap I prefer to use on my body (I just use warm water & olive oil on my face) does not have chemicals or preservatives in it. Dr. Bronners soap is available in health food stores, some grocery with a health section, on line, and the best price I have found is with most co-ops like Assure here in the Northwest. His liquid soaps come with different aromas like peppermint (my fave), eucalyptus, lavender, etc.. Cheers! Raise your new skin brush to clean smell good bodies and clear thinking! huffingtonpost/2013/11/08/personal-hygiene-facts_n_4217839.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 20:15:25 +0000

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